Sunday, December 22, 2019
Flood, Atrahasis Flood And The Epic Of Gilgamesh Flood
Throughout the Genesis Flood, Atrahasis Flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh flood, there are many different ways to interpret the different views of The Flood. These different narratives in these stories have their own explanation on how this myth took place and the different beliefs that occurred during this flood. The way you portray each narrative is based on what exactly your beliefs are. When comparing the Genesis Flood narrative to that of the Gilgamesh Flood narrative, there are many similar symbols throughout both narratives. In the Genesis version of the flood, God had chosen to send the flood because the humankind he had created was evil and he saw their wickedness. â€Å"For my par, I am going to bring a good of waters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die†(Genesis 6:18). This excerpt from the narrative shows that one God had chosen to send the flood to destroy all humankind that he had originally created. Just like this narrative, the Gilgamesh Flood narrative, a God by the name of Enlil orders a flood to destroy humankind. â€Å"Decided that the great gods should make a flood†(Gilgamesh XI 109). This quote states how that a flood was to be sent for the city of Shuruppak. In the Genesis narrative there was a righteous man by the name of Noah that was chosen to build the ark. â€Å"Make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in the ark and cover it inside and out with a pitch†(GenesisShow MoreRelatedComparing The Book Of Atrahasis And Genisis Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pages Comparing the book of Atrahasis and Genisis, they share very many similarities. Though they also differ in many more ways. The mains similarity in these two stories is that they both include a cataclysmic flood. 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