Tuesday, December 31, 2019
My Philosophy Of Teaching And Learning - 1123 Words
Introduction It is important to develop a philosophy of teaching and learning. Our philosophy drives our passion for teaching, influences our teaching styles, sets our core values, provides strength during challenges and constantly reminds us the importances of self development and learning. My philosophy is based upon my life experience, cultural values, interpersonal relationships, interest, studies and education background. I believe the core values of my philosophy will not change, however, refined and adjusted to meet my goals. I believe learning is an ongoing progress and children are precious and unique individuals. It is this belief that drives my philosophy that all students must have the opportunity to learn and be respected.†¦show more content†¦For this reason, it is important to deliver a learning environment where children’s development and learning is supported. It is apparent that all students can learn and teachers need to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities for effective learning, for example, using diversified resources rather than focusing on worksheets and making use of multiple intelligences and multi-sensory experiences to facilitate the different potential of students (Duchesne, McMaugh, Bochner Krause, 201 3, chapter 1). Teaching/Pedagogy My list of goals as an early childhood teacher are: 1. to feel excited to go to work every day, and to providing an environment for children where children want to learn and go to school 2. to build strong relationships with students, families, colleagues and the community, so that we can work cooperatively to learn, grow and support 3. to encourage children to be independent, but also not to be afraid to ask for help and have a lifelong passion for creativity, innovation and learning. 4. to create resources that are practical, functional and visually appealing 5. to plan a well balance routine, that includes a time to rest, eat and play and a learning environment that is safe and accessible for all children. Catering for individual differences In the Early Years Learning Framework outcome 1 â€Å"Children have a strong sense
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Flood, Atrahasis Flood And The Epic Of Gilgamesh Flood
Throughout the Genesis Flood, Atrahasis Flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh flood, there are many different ways to interpret the different views of The Flood. These different narratives in these stories have their own explanation on how this myth took place and the different beliefs that occurred during this flood. The way you portray each narrative is based on what exactly your beliefs are. When comparing the Genesis Flood narrative to that of the Gilgamesh Flood narrative, there are many similar symbols throughout both narratives. In the Genesis version of the flood, God had chosen to send the flood because the humankind he had created was evil and he saw their wickedness. â€Å"For my par, I am going to bring a good of waters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die†(Genesis 6:18). This excerpt from the narrative shows that one God had chosen to send the flood to destroy all humankind that he had originally created. Just like this narrative, the Gilgamesh Flood narrative, a God by the name of Enlil orders a flood to destroy humankind. â€Å"Decided that the great gods should make a flood†(Gilgamesh XI 109). This quote states how that a flood was to be sent for the city of Shuruppak. In the Genesis narrative there was a righteous man by the name of Noah that was chosen to build the ark. â€Å"Make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in the ark and cover it inside and out with a pitch†(GenesisShow MoreRelatedComparing The Book Of Atrahasis And Genisis Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pages Comparing the book of Atrahasis and Genisis, they share very many similarities. Though they also differ in many more ways. The mains similarity in these two stories is that they both include a cataclysmic flood. Both of these stories are well known,The Flood story recounted to Gilgamesh by Utnapishtim is predominately similar to the the book of Genesis, which is the flood story that is in the Bible. On the other hand, an Akkadian epic that goes as far back as the 18th Century BCE includes a almostRead MoreThe Relationship Between Mythology And History : Ancient Mesopotamia And Egypt1125 Words  | 5 Pagesthis is the Sumerian Great Flood myth, Atrahasis . And a later but nearly identical tale known as The Epic of Gilgamesh . Both stories feature an gry Gods that drown their human creations through unprecedented flooding, and both also have one person who is forewarned, builds an Ark – and survives . Atrahasis and Gilgamesh are likely to have influenced the Bibles nearly identical story in the Genesis myth . Thus, the Bible is likely referencing the Mesopotamian Great Flood in the Genesis account . TheRead MoreBiblical Flood Story Vs. Gilgamesh Flood1981 Words  | 8 PagesBiblical Flood Story versus Gilgamesh Flood Story The Biblical Flood story and the Gilgamesh Flood story include similarities and differences. There are two versions we know of the flood story in Babylonian literature, and both have different hero’s in each, although the cause of each flood is different. I will prove that I understand the task at hand by reading both of the stories, and taking it apart piece by piece to understand it in a whole. By doing this, I am able to know what I am readingRead MoreThe Great Flood, The Epic Of Gilgamesh3526 Words  | 15 Pageshas acquired knowledge concerning flood occurrences; substantiating deluges are due to weather and climate changes. Excessive rainfall and winds, brought on by hurricanes or storms, can cause rivers, lakes, and the sea to overflow onto land. Despite the fact that floods are caused by natural disasters, great flood stories such as Noah’s Ark, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Great Flood the story from the Quran, are a common archetype in many cultures. These gr eat floods were brought to the earth, causingRead MoreAnalysis Of Enuma Elish s The Garden Of Eden Essay2327 Words  | 10 Pagesparallel tales told in the Old Testament such as Genesis, Exodus and the Psalms. In Enuma Elish presented to the father and mother as Apsu and Tiamat represented as saltwater and freshwater and were present before the creation of the universe. The epic begins this way: When on high ... No heaven HAD Been named, called earth No, not Annunaki ... There was nothing ... nothing but Old Father Apsu and Mummu-Tiamat, Mother of All Living. This describes a series of Gods that were created and later gainedRead MoreThe Purpose of the Biblical Flood narrative1977 Words  | 8 PagesGenesis, which is highly concerned with the world’s creation and its initial stages. It is also the origin of the biblical Flood Narrative concerning Noah and the Ark. The story is characterised by a man that is instructed to build an ark under the guidance of God, and ta ke with him family members and pairs of animals, to survive a catastrophic universal flood. â€Å"The flood narrative belongs to the genre of myth. We are meant to read it as a story and allow it to play on our imagination so that weRead MoreGENESIS AND ANCIENT MYTHS OF THE NEAR EAST930 Words  | 4 Pagesorigin as they give a point of reference from similar cultures. There are a number of ways that one could view the writings of the ancient Near East for the purpose of interpreting each culture. Because there are many parallels among the creation and flood stories of the ancient Near East, this will be the focus of comparison. While the similarities in ancient literature demonstrate the commonalities of humanity, the differences between Genesis and other Near East works give us a unique impression ofRead MoreWhat I Thought Was The Most Helpful When Reading The Introduction1312 Words  | 6 Pagesof Near Eastern Religion (Chp. 1) After reading about Atrahasis, Enuma Elish and The Epic of Gilgamesh, it makes sense to me that these were not literatures that were used as religious material. The myths or stories were used to explain the creation of the world and life. (p. 21) I understand the story about Atrahasis, however it sounds strangely close to the story from the Bible that I know as, Noah’s Ark. The gods had created the flood in order to act as a population control. It was Enki whoRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay1721 Words  | 7 PagesMany texts, both ancient and modern, explore the possibilities of living forever. The Epic of Gilgamesh is just one of the stories examining this theory. The Gilgamesh tablets discuss many such issues pertinent to much of today’s population: what is the meaning of life? How will I be remembered? This age old topic is explored through many popular mediums today such as graphic novels and in the film industry. Additionally the immortal question is further studied in some scientific industries, toRead MoreWhat Are Some Methodological Issues Scholars Encounter Studying The Hebrew Bible And The Histories Of Ancient Israel?711 Words  | 3 Pagescopies might not be due to translations but rather reflecting different texts, some Greek scriptures predating the Hebrew forms. 3. Why does Genesis have two different creation stories? How did myths from ancient Mesopotamia influence the creation and flood stories in Genesis? Why is the ancient Near Eastern context important for studying the Hebrew Bible? It could be interpreted as two creation stories, however, I believe that they are one in the same. In Genesis 1 God is seen speaking the division
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Suicide Methods and Essay. Belonging Free Essays
Essay. Belonging is a fundamental part for all individuals in which we strive for acceptance and security through others. Understanding is a main part of feeling like you belonging. We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide Methods and Essay. Belonging or any similar topic only for you Order Now Individuals belong when they fell connected to others and the world. However to do this they must first have an understanding and acceptance of self which will nourish their sense of belonging. A lack of understanding of the concept of belonging and yourself leads to preventing your identity, relationships, acceptance and ultimately belonging. The concept of the understanding of belonging is shown in the text – Swallow the air by Tara Jane Winch. In Swallow the Air, persona May Gibson shows a lack of understanding in her and therefore feels she does not belong. As soon as her mum commits suicide at the beginning of the novel May has trouble belonging, â€Å"When mum left I stopped being Aboriginal I stopped feeling like I belonged. Anywhere†. May has lost her security in her culture and identity. Costa the curry will tell u too link this back to understanding nourishes belonging The name of the first chapter ‘swallow the air’ demonstrates May’s loss of belonging. The title is a metaphor of her disconnection to others, the community and her sense of belonging. She is not physically drowning in water she is drowning in pain and sorrow. However by the end of the novel, the final chapter called ‘home’ signifies May’s attitude has changed dramatically. â€Å"I know what the word really means, home. †The word home is a universal term of belonging it represents that she has once again found ‘family’ and within that comfort. How to cite Suicide Methods and Essay. Belonging, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Concept of Health Care Organisation in Singapore
Question: Discuss about the Concept of Health Care Organisation in Singapore. Answer: Introduction The population of Singapore has reached up to 5.2 million and it has captured the significant position in widely covered healthcare system. After the independence in 1965, the health care centre in Singapore started the mass-inoculation program for fighting against the tropical epidemic diseases. The Singapore Government has even extended the network of hospitalisation for providing the convenience to the out-patient attendance (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki Zopounidis, 2012). The regulations imposed on the health care centres of Singapore are concentrating on three pillars. First, Singapore has been paying attention towards the establishment of population with preventive health care. The country even aims to encourage the healthy lifestyles of the living beings. Second, the Singapore Government is keeping the healthcare costs lower by controlling the supply process of the healthcare services. Third, the country is emphasizing the personal responsibilities in order to maintain the health y living by promoting Medifund, Medisave, and Medishield systems. Three major regulatory bodies have been controlling the health care systems. These regulatory figures are the Minister of Health (MOH), Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Central Provident Fund (CPF). The study will shed light on the organisational culture and functionalities of the health care centres in Singapore (Cunningham et al., 2012). The discussion will focus on the effectiveness of internal and external factors of the culture of health care organisation will be presented. Along with this, the effectiveness of the value-based culture in the health care organisations will also be discussed in this study. Discussion Organisational culture refers to the system of sharing beliefs, values, and assumptions. The shared values are creating the significant impacts on the associated people in the organisation. In case of health care centre, this trait is unchanged (Zingg et al., 2015). The associated health care personnel and management provide the fruitful benefits and share the adequate value with the associated staffs. The proper motivation they have been receiving from the upper authority is contributing efficiency to the performance management. Accordingly, the service users have been receiving the effective services due to which they become more reliable to the health care centres. In the health care centres of Singapore, the health care policies are imposed by the national government. Concentrating on such effective rules and regulations, it is noted that the major focus of the governance is to increase the standards of the health care services. It is noted that Singapore has established the remarkable fundamentals in order to achieve the organisational excellence. It is noted that Singapore has captured the fourth position in establishing the adequate infrastructure. The GDP rate was spent less that 4% on health care services. It provides the universal coverage for the service users in Singapore by providing the multiple layers of cares. In concentrating on the bets standardised health care services provided by the health care centres, it can be noted that Singapore has captured the leading position in the world (Mittal et al., 2016). The JCI or the Joint Commission International has accredited three medical centres along with 11 hospitals in Singapore. However, it has been observed that the ministry of health department in Singapore has restructured the health care system for establishing the integrated care model for the patients. With the application of such structure, the service users receive the holistic and integrate d care from the health care centres located in Singapore. It is noted that the health care system is split into six different regional health care systems (Blank Burau, 2013). Moreover, these regional health care centres are anchored by a regional hospital, which has been working with a variety of intermediate, primary, and long-term care sectors. It is much beneficial for the service users for receiving the quality health care services. The effects of such organisational culture are much commendable for improving the health care standards more specifically. It generates the sense of reliability among the service users who have been visiting such places for the care purposes. It is important to state that the major health care centres in Singapore are associated with two public sectors, such as National Health Care Group and Sing Health. The organisational cultures of the health care centres in Singapore signify the value-based assumptions, leadership, language and managerial styles (Feldstein, 2012). The associated nurses and physicians in the health care centres are aware of the different artefacts, assumptions, and situational consequences. Therefore, the organisational culture in the health care centre is considered as the major way to improve the quality parameter of the services. The organisational structure helps in allocating the management functionalities in a sequential process. The relevant organisational structure helps in providing the fruitful health care services beneficial for the service users. In Singapore, the organisational structure of health care is classified into different divisions. The first group of the health care organisation is the professional group. This group includes several sub-groups, such as health products regulation group, blood services group, and applied sciences group (Foo et al., 2013). The health products regulation group has been providing the health care services related to the innovative therapeutics, drugs, medical devices, and other health related products in Singapore. This level of organisational structure is regulated for achieving the proper health care standards related to the safety, efficacy, and quality. The next group is Blood Services Groups, which is considered as the national blood service. It secures the blood supply procedure of the people nationwide by maintaining the proper adequacy in safety and effective blood supply procedure (Haseltine, 2013). It also concentrates on providing the transfusion medicine services to the associated service users. The blood service group includes the Applied Science Group, which represents the analytical and laboratory expertise for supporting the compliance agencies and other supportive regulations applied to the health care industry. It also looks after the forensic medical and scientific treatment for improving the quality standards of the services (Burgess Radnor, 2013). The next division is Corporate HQ, which is associated with the strategic direction process. This level of organisational structure offers the remarkable supports for the authority and the three different professional groups. These associated groups help in achieving the vision and mission of the health care standards by imposing effective policies and guidelines. Along with such facilities, the strategic co-ordination and the efficient processes are also taken into account in considering the functionalities performed by this level of organisational structure. The improvement of the quality level of the health care services is possible if the internal cultures are improved. There are several major influences of the organisational culture that has been associated with the performance measurements of the hospitals (Cruickshank Beevers, 2013). It is to be indicated that the organisational culture is characterised as hierarchal, clannish, or market-oriented. The adoption of the Hofstede Model indicates the four different dimensions of organisational cultures. These major dimensions are uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/ femininity, power distance, and individualism/collectivism. Such dimensional approaches provide the insightful ideas about the cultural position in a health care setting. There are some of the internal and external factors that have been creating the significant impacts on the organisational culture in a significant way. The most prominent factor that has been influencing the health care culture is the individual working standards. While working on the health care centre in Singapore, the employees signify the different cultural heritage (McClellan et al., 2014). However, while working together, the diverse cultural nature may create the uncertainties to some of the extent. The maintenance of the attitudes, perceptions, and interests are found to be different to each other. Such traits are sometimes creating major affects in the internal scenario of the health care department. On the other hand, it is noticed that business goals and objectives are sometimes unclear to the associated health care personnel. Being unaware of the exact method of dealing with the nurses, the associated employees often face the higher level of stress and tensions. Another most significant issue associated with the internal environment of the health care organisation is the emergence of higher level of stress. It is noticed that the employees associated with the patient care services have to deal with the different scenario. Due to the extreme level of illness, the patients become much vulnerable and refuse to take medicines. In such cases, the associated staffs have to maintain their duties by coping with these patients. It sometimes creates much pressure and stress on employees minds (Brennan Monson, 2014). The nature of the business is thus much effective for the members associated with the heath care departments. The proper management style and nature is also much responsible for creating an effective organisational culture in the health care centre. It is the major responsible for the associated health care personnel to provide the hygienic environment to the associated nursing staffs. When they have been receiving the fruitful environmen t for work, the stress level reduced. In fact, they receive the proper motivations for working in an effective organisational scenario. Concentrating on the high quality standard of the health care service, it is noticed that the application of the beneficial rules and regulations are also considered as the part of organisational culture. If concentrated on the health care regulations in Singapore, it is noticed that it is associated with three major pillars. The 3M system is imposed in for encouraging the healthy lifestyle of the patients in Singapore health care. These three M systems are Medisave, Medifund, and Medishield. It is noted that Medisave is considered as the national medical insurance, which is helpful for saving the capital amount for the healthcare needs (Patel et al., 2013). The expenses related to the hospital care are stored for treating the members and outdoor patients. When the associated health care staffs have been receiving such facilities for their health purposes, it creates the sense of reliability and stability in their mind. It is even providing the job security, which can be taken into a ccount as one of the best motivational factors. On the other hand, it has been observed that Medisave Account is mandatory for each of the nursing associates and the CPF members. It ranges from 7% to 9% from their monthly salary, which is added to this health insurance services. The surgical expenses are provided to the staffs with the help of such insurance facilities. Another most beneficial facility is Medishield. This facility is provided to the health care personnel and it is concentrating on the affordable severe disability insurance services (Britto, Engle Super, 2013). It is a form of providing the basic monetary protection to the health care personnel for determining the long term care. This policy is mainly focusing on the leader people in the country. Finally, the Medifund is considered as the endowment fund set up by the government of Singapore. Apart from all such financial aspects, the organisational culture of the Singapore Health Care centre is concentrating on the training and utilising the safer medical equipmen ts as well. It is noted that due to the inability of using the medical equipments, the health care staffs face several accidental hazards. In order to reduce such risks, the Singapore Government has paid the significant attention to the development of the training purposes (Haseltine, 2013). In these training purposes, the medical associates receive the proper training for utilising the innovative technologies and harmful medical equipments. Hence, it is noted that the organisational culture has been creating the significant impacts on the entire health care centre and associated staffs in Singapore. Conclusion The study has been focusing on the organisational culture maintained in the health care centres in Singapore. It is noted that the major motto of the health care centre as well as the Singapore Government is to provide the standardised and quality health care services to the patients. However, the maintenance of the effective organisational culture helps in improving the overall scenario of the organisation in a specific way. The management takes the responsibility to motivate the associated members in a significant way, which helps in establishing the effective organisational culture among the entire health care industry in Singapore. References Blank, R. H., Burau, V. (2013).Comparative health policy. Palgrave Macmillan. Brennan, M. D., Monson, V. (2014, May). Professionalism: good for patients and health care organizations. InMayo Clinic Proceedings(Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 644-652). Elsevier. Britto, P. R., Engle, P. L., Super, C. M. (2013).Handbook of early childhood development research and its impact on global policy. Oxford University Press. Burgess, N., Radnor, Z. (2013). Evaluating Lean in healthcare.International journal of health care quality assurance,26(3), 220-235. Cruickshank, J. K., Beevers, D. G. (2013).Ethnic factors in health and disease. Butterworth-Heinemann. Cunningham, F. C., Ranmuthugala, G., Plumb, J., Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J. I., Braithwaite, J. (2012). Health professional networks as a vector for improving healthcare quality and safety: a systematic review.BMJ quality safety,21(3), 239-249. Feldstein, P. J. (2012).Health care economics. Cengage Learning. Foo, W. T., Zheng, Y., Kwee, A. K., Yang, G. M., Krishna, L. (2013). Factors considered in end-of-life care decision making by health care professionals.American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,30(4), 354-358. Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard.Omega,40(1), 104-119. Hamer, S., Collinson, G. (2014).Achieving evidence-based practice: A handbook for practitioners. Elsevier Health Sciences. Haseltine, W. A. (2013).Affordable excellence: the Singapore healthcare story. Brookings Institution Press. McClellan, M., Kent, J., Beales, S. J., Cohen, S. I., Macdonnell, M., Thoumi, A., ... Darzi, A. (2014). Accountable care around the world: a framework to guide reform strategies.Health Affairs,33(9), 1507-1515. Mittal, R., Young, M. E., Tan, C. S., Chen, C., Tham, W. Y., Seong, L. P., ... Koh, G. C. H. (2016). Trends of patients characteristics admitted into a multi-professional home medical care service from 2000 to 2009 in Singapore.Home Health Care Management Practice,. Patel, V., Minas, H., Cohen, A., Prince, M. (Eds.). (2013).Global mental health: principles and practice. Oxford University Press. Zingg, W., Holmes, A., Dettenkofer, M., Goetting, T., Secci, F., Clack, L., ... Pittet, D. (2015). Hospital organisation, management, and structure for prevention of health-care-associated infection: a systematic review and expert consensus.The Lancet Infectious Diseases,15(2), 212-224.
Friday, November 29, 2019
How to Start a Blog for Your Business in 3 Easy Steps
Interested in learning how to start a business? Did you know you can start a blog and turn that into a business? Ive been blogging for over three years. I have two blogs Elna Cain to help with freelance writers and Twins Mommy to help moms make money blogging. I get emails all the time asking for help on starting a blog for their freelance business or as a way to earn an income and grow their brand. If youve been thinking that you want to start a business and a blog, now is the time! A blog is versatile. You can use it to promote your service coaching, freelance writing, Pinterest management, etc. and you can use it to grow your audience, brand, and income. Starting a blog has also been the best decision Ive ever made. Im able to stay home with my twins (they just started school!) and earn a living doing what I love writing and blogging. If youre willing to put in the time to create a successful blog for your business, then you can work from home and enjoy doing what you love to do! Some of my favorite service-based websites are: Innovative Ink this is my own writer website 🙂 Miranda Nahmias Miranda is a VA Nesha Woolery Nesha is a freelance designer Carrie Madormo Carrie is a work at home mom and freelance writer Work From Home Happiness Ashlee has a wonderful site to help you work from home These blogs help bring in income as a side business or full-time business. Ive had so many people email me and tell me theirpersonal story for wanting to start a blog for their business, but they just dont know how to do it. One thing is for sure: its essential to have a website or blog to help attract potential clients (or readers for your blog). Its hard to have a successful business online without a website! Note: the term blog and website will be used interchangeably. I view a blog as part of your website and you can base your business off a blog too. So, if youre ready, heres how to set up your website in only 3 steps. Its super easy, techy free and if I can do it, then I know you can do it too! 1. Figure Out What You Want to Blog About When you start a business, you need to refine your message. This is what your foundation is for your business. Its also your blog niche. Your blog niche one that can ultimately be your paying niche as a blogger or freelancer is an important first step to having your own blog. This can be hard for many people. It was for me. When I started blogging on Innovative Ink (I later moved it to Elna Cain), I wrote about what I was learning freelance writing. It was sort of a no-brainer and.it stuck! But for Twins Mommy, I struggled to find the right content for the right audience. It took some trial and error and different niche topics to finally stick to topics centering around growing your blog. If youre going to use your blog as a way to generate leads to your freelance business, I suggest you: Write in your paying niche, or Write about your service For example, if your paying niche involves Pinterest marketing (your service is Pinterest management), then you can blog about Pinterest and marketing. Similarly, if youre a freelance writer, you can effectively help other new writers by writing about the business of writing (can I say writing one more time?) 🙂 Well, how do you find your paying niche? What Do You Have Experience In? Use what you know. If your background is in finance, then you can start and grow a business in this topic. You may not like it and it may be the reason why you want to quit your finance career, but you can leverage that experience and knowledge in the beginning to get your blog off on the right foot. What Do You Want to Learn More About? Maybe theres a topic that youre interested in learning more about. For me, the more I learned about marketing my business, the more interested I became in writing about that as my paying niche. If you have a passion for camping, WordPress, entertainment, etc., then use that as your starting ground for blog content. Write about it on your blog and see if its a good fit for you. The beauty of blogging is that you can pivot to new topics easily. Is Your Blog Niche Profitable? If you want to be a freelance writer, then you need to pick a profitable niche. Niches like these pay a writer hundreds of dollars per post. To find out if your niche topics are profitable, you need to do some research. Go to Facebook groups and see what peoples struggles and challenges are Look at job boards to see if companies are seeking writers in your niche Search on Twitter, #(your niche) to see what people are sharing This can give you an indication if your niche is popular and needed online. You can also search for popular blog topics and create your niche from that list. ConvertKit has compiled a list of common blog topics that both professionals and not-yet professional bloggers write about: 2. Choose Your Domain Name Your website name should be representative of your blog and business. For me, I decided on Innovative Ink as my service. It seemed to represent what I do. I later realized that using that name may not have been the best option. Why? Because for new people seeing that name, it almost looks like a content agency or big business with multiple staff. It doesnt show that its just me. I also used a local country domain (.ca) and in hindsight I should have used a .com for a global audience. Thats why later I switched to ElnaCain.com! This uses my name to brand what I do. When I show you how to start your blog using my special link at Bluehost, getting your new domain registered is absolutely free! When thinking of your domain name: Make it easy to say and spell Dont make it too long (ex: Kellycanwritealldayandallnight.com) If in doubt, use your name (if you can get it). Variations of your name include adding writes, biz, blogger, blogging, business, content, etc.. One thing to consider when choosing your domain name is to also think about your social media names. Yes, I said social media. Having a blog gives you the opportunity to share what you write, and to connect with others. You do most of your connecting on social media like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. So when thinking of your domain name, check to see if its available for your Facebook page or Twitter profile. Continuity means people can easily find you. 3. Choose Your Blogging Platform This site, Elna Cain, is a WordPress.org site. This means its self-hosted. This means I have complete control over my content and my monetization strategy. If you want to run a blog or even offer a service like freelance writing, then having a self-hosted site is your BEST option in the long run. This gives you the capability to start a business, look professional and be credible. And while you can use other platforms besides WordPress.org like Squarespace or Wix there are some important reasons why you should choose WordPress at Bluehost: Theres a big WordPress community out there. This means if you have a question, you can probably find the answer in a blog post or YouTube video. Most sites are WordPress sites (which means your future clients are probably using WordPress too) Its much easier to customize a WordPress self-hosted site with plugins and themes WordPress the company itself recommends Bluehost as one of a very select few best and brightest hosts. And the best part is, you can set up a WordPress blog in under 10 minutes! Its super easy too! 4. Choose Bluehost as Your Hosting Provider When I started my freelance writing business, I wanted to make sure to have a secure and reliable web host and Bluehost is one of best and most popular hosting providers out there for those wanting to start a blog or service-based business website. Check out some of their awesome unique features! Why Choose Bluehost? 1. You Get a Free Domain With Bluehost, you receive a free domain when you sign up using my special link. Right there, youre saving $12-15 or more. Super important if youre bootstrapping your blog or business. Registering a free domain is something that a lot of other web hosting providers dont provide for their customers. So make sure to take advantage before Bluehost changes their mind (this recently happened at another very popular hostfor reals)! 2. They Have 24/7 Support One of the great features about using Bluehost is the support for new bloggers and freelancers. Starting a blog doesnt have to be challenging. If youre brand new to blogging or starting a business online, Bluehost can help you with your tech questions about starting a blog. Bluehost has a variety of ways to offer their help: articles webinars online chat toll-free phone Bluehost knowledge base a list of common issues you might face Heres a little tidbit. Ive used the chat many times and theyve been super helpful (and just this morning I was on the phone. In and donequestion answeredin less than 3 minutes). And, even my course students find Bluehost very supportive with any tech issues they faced: 3. 1-Click WordPress Installation When you choose Bluehost, you can install WordPress with one click of a button. Actually, with the new updates and control panel Bluehost just released, its automatically installed when you sign up and you dont have to do a thing! Id say its as easy (and easy to use) as Squarespace or Wixat a fraction of the cost. This makes it a cinch to get your freelance business up and running right away. 4. Very Affordable Pricing When you start a business and website you want to keep your costs down. Youre not generating any income right off the bat, so investing in your business can be hard in the beginning. Bluehost has made it affordable with their plans and when you use my special link you can get started for as low as $2.95/mo). You can even start your freelance writing business for under $60 (if you decide to choose the one year plan instead). Thats amazing! Just think about when your parents were your age and how expensive it was to start their own business. They would need to rent out space, buy business cards, and buy ad space in newspapers or on TV. Thats a lot of money for a brand new business! When you compare that to having your own website that can potentially generate thousands of dollars per month, for about $100 or less, its a no-brainer! So, you can see that starting a website for your blog or service-based business doesnt have to be daunting or expensive. Once you choose Bluehost, just follow this easy and quick tutorial on how to start a blog for your business! Lets get started. Just click on over to Bluehost and follow along! For more help, I have a video tutorial on starting a blog just for you! Follow along with me! Step 1: Choose Your Plan After you click on the big green button that says, get started now your next page shows the plans. There are three main plans Bluehost has for you: basic, plus and prime. If you want to host multiple sites (i.e. have more than one blog or business online) or need unlimited storage space, you can go with the plus plan from day one. Let me tell you, creating sites is so addictive, Ill bet you cant just stop at one! And if youre planning on getting domain privacy (highly recommended), the SpamExperts and SiteBackup service, check out the prime plan because its included for free! But if youre just getting started, or if cash is super tight, thebasic planhas all you need to get going. Its perfect for new freelancers and bloggers. You get one website (and a free domain) with plenty of website space to get your business up and running. Step 2: Choose Your Domain Remember the domain names you were choosing from before? This is where you can check to see if its available in a dot com. I highly suggest you get a dot com rather than a dot something else. Thats partly personal opinion, though. If your domain isnt available, pick a variation of your original domain name. For example, if elnawrites wasnt available I would maybe choose one of these options instead: elnaswriting elnawritenow elnaswritingbiz elnacanwrite Remember that your domain name needs to represent what you do as a blogger or freelancer. You can use your personal name as a domain too. This might be the best thing if you feel that you may want to pivot your business some day. For example, you start out as a VA (virtual assistant) but later learn that most of your VA tasks are writing and you change to be a freelance writer. If you use your name then you can switch that easily. But, if your domain name is rebeccatheVA, then that will be a bit more challenging. So, really sit down and think about your ultimate end goal. What is the main service you want to provide and can you see yourself doing this long-term? Step 3: Account/Package/Payment Info/Password Once you pick your package, the next thing is filling out your information. Go ahead and fill out your account information and choose the package you want. Remember, you save the most moneywhen you choose the 36 month planand you dont have to worry about paying for hosting for the next three years. One thing to note, you can use a credit card to pay or use your PayPal account. Next, you need to set up a password for your Bluehost account. Install WordPress Bluehost makes installing WordPress seamless and pretty easy. After you set up your account password for Bluehost, you can pick some themes. Personally, I like to do this on my WordPress site, so I will skip this. From here, Bluehost directs you to start building your site. You get to customize your WordPress site for business. At any time you can change the options later on. For example, you can decide the layout of your homepage. Do you want a static page or a blogroll. I suggest having a static page like my Innovative Ink website. It welcomes prospects to your site and they arent bombarded with recent blog posts. Bluehost installs the default WordPres theme if you dont pick one right away. But, when youre ready you can start customizing the theme you end up choosing. You can add a logo, change the header image (if your theme has one) and create your business pages. This is the default WordPress theme and on the side is my menu to customize this theme. Logging Into Your WordPress Account Bluehost has made it super simple and easy to log into your account. Theyve created a beautiful control panel and with one click of a button you can login into your WordPress site. Congratulations! You are one step closer to getting your website up online! Are you excited? You are learning how to start a business as a side hustle! Over time it can be your main way of living like me! Getting a website up is one of the first steps for a new freelance writer. This is your home base and is where you lead prospects to so they can hire you!! Yay! Now what? If youre new to freelance writing here are some posts to help you along the way: 20 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (As a Beginner) The Complete Guide to Getting Started Freelance Writing from Scratch The Best Freelance Writing Job Boards to Land Your First Gig When you start your blog for your service-based business, let me know in the comments. I would LOVE to see it! Need a Website For Your Freelance Writing But Stuck With the Tech Part?
Monday, November 25, 2019
Naturalism in Grapes of Wrath essays
Naturalism in Grapes of Wrath essays In John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family and the changing world in which they live is portrayed from a naturalistic point of view. Steinbeck characterizes the Joads and their fellow migrants as simple, instinct-bound creatures who are on an endless search for paradise (Owens 129). The migrants and the powers which force them to make their journeynature and societyare frequently represented by animals. The Joads, when they initially leave home, are a group of simplistic, animal-like people who barely understand or even realize their plight, but as the story progresses, they begin to grow and adapt to their new circumstances. They evolve from a small, insignificant group of creatures with no societal consciousness into a single member of a much larger familysociety. Steinbeck strongly portrays the Joads and other displaced "Okies" as being animalistic. They often talk about their predicament in simplistic terms that suggest that they are initially not conscious of the circumstances that force them to leave Oklahoma. Muley Graves, for instance, tells Tom Joad and Jim Casy that the rest of the Joads, whose house has been destroyed by a tractor, are "piled in John's house like gophers in a winter burrow (Steinbeck 47)." This presents the image of a family of animals that have clustered together, hoping to fend off a predator with their greater numbers. They see the societal problems around them in terms of a predator as well; on one occasion, Casy asks a man at a service station, "You ever seen one a them Gila monsters take hold, mister? (Chop him in two) an' his head hangs on. An' while he's layin' there, poison is drippin' into the hole he's made (Steinbeck 132)." This refers to the devastating, unbreakable grip of the socioeconomic forces at work above them (Lisca 96). A particularly important element that represents the migrants on a naturalistic level is the turtle (Lisca 97). Introduced in the ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International business in emerging economics Assignment - 1
International business in emerging economics - Assignment Example In addition, there are other benefits including availability of raw materials, affordable skilled labor and ready market. The continued efforts by governments and environmentalists to promote renewable energy are a major advantage for the company. The entry of EST in the Chinese solar panel manufacturing sector can be done through the adoption of a trade-based strategy. This strategy involves establishment of a factory that manufactures solar panels without using any subsidiaries. The development of a wholly owned factory is highly beneficial to the company since the company is able to streamline its operations according to favourable conditions of the company. China is one of the strongest emerging economies in the world having been catapulted by the economic reforms that were advanced in the 1970s. With a GDP of $ 9.24 trillion in 2013 (which is a 7.7% growth), China has shifted from a centrally planned economy to one that is market based (The World Bank 2014). The availability of raw materials, labor and ready market has made China to industrialize at a very fast pace. Among many technologies that have been advanced in the world, the manufacturing of solar panels is a major hit in the market today. Solar panels are being widely used in many countries of the world where there is adequate solar energy as a source of renewable energy. This is because solar energy is associated with diverse benefits including environmental safety and is a relatively cheaper source of energy. The solar panel manufacturing has demonstrated 15.5% growth rate for the period between 2009 and 2014 (IBISWorld 2014). In addition, there is an increase in the demand for solar panels in Africa and Asia. In an effort to enhance efficiency in the production of solar panels not only for consumption in China but all over the world, Ecofriends Solar Technologies endeavors to establish a manufacturing plant in China. This report puts into perspective an assessment developing such a plant in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Workforce 2020 project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Workforce 2020 project - Essay Example activities will have to be diverted to improving the ecosystem, and promoting environmental care and safeguards, so that we can avoid, at the very least, environmental catastrophes. These events do not only affect our businesses but our personal lives as citizens of Mother Earth. In the year 2020, or roughly more than a decade from now, we can expect changes in many areas of our lives, from business to personal, and from the countryside to urban life. A challenging but demanding environment awaits Americans in this era of electronic gadgets, computers, climate change and global warming. â€Å"Even now it has become harder and harder to misinterpret the signs that our world is spinning out of kilter. Major cities in North and South America, Asia and Australia are nearly out of water due to massive droughts and melting glaciers. Desperate farmers are losing their livelihoods. People in the frozen Arctic and on low-lying Pacific islands are planning evacuations of places they have long called home. Unprecedented wildfires have forced a half million people from their homes in our country and caused a national emergency that almost brought down a government in another. Climate refugees have migrated into areas already inhabited by people with different cultures, religions and traditions, increasing the potential for conflict. Stronger storms in the Pacific and the Atlantic have threatened whole cities.†(Albert Gore’s speech, cited in Cruz, 2008) The existence of climate refugees is a big sign that more migration will happen in the days and years ahead. With more immigrants in our land, we are not assured of job opportunities for own citizens. And there is no assurance that American economy can generate more and more jobs for Americans and immigrants ten years from now. That is, except if we don’t create forecasts based on existing events and trends. We can prepare for eventualities, and initiate programs for the future of our business organization. Business
Monday, November 18, 2019
Why Healthcare Practitioners are Unwilling to Change Practice Patterns Assignment
Why Healthcare Practitioners are Unwilling to Change Practice Patterns - Assignment Example However, despite the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) rules being approved by the American Medical Association in 2008 and this logistical development subsequently making it easier for the reception and transfer of payments, healthcare services providers have not yet come to significantly use them. Conversely, healthcare practitioners may find it hard to change their practicing patterns because of the unfavorable balance between inadequate healthcare resources and the unreasonable demand for the same services. Doctors and nurses may, for instance, want to make their practice more patient-friendly by elongating consultation hours, but the queue in the waiting room may not allow this. One can take a compassionate approach when dealing with physicians who loathe evidence-based systems. In this effect, it will be gainful to facilitate dialogue with physicians, so as to understand their point of view, in lieu of singling out individual physicians for professional malpractice. For a hospital leader, it will also be important to make an initiative of presenting solid evidence. The corollary to this is that upon seeing pieces of relevant information that bring about a significant difference, healthcare practitioners will gradually come to appreciate evidence-based systems. Integrating these efforts with information Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems and clinical decision support will also help solve this problem. This statement is indeed legitimate since the odds of dying in a healthcare center are greater than the risk of an air crash. Particularly, chances of dying in a healthcare institution because of human error are 33,000 times higher than the danger of dying in an airplane crash (Hammond, 2008). Although it is indeed true that the danger of dying in a hospital is more imminent than that of an airline accident, yet, this should not be construed to mean that healthcare practitioners are more careless, compared to pilots and the flight crew.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
History of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
History of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents Biological warfare (BW), also known as germ warfare, is the use of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, other disease-causing biological agents, or the toxins produced by them as biological weapons (or bioweapons). There is a clear overlap between biological warfare and chemical warfare, as the use of toxins produced by living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention. Toxins, which are of organic origin, are often called midspectrum agents. A biological weapon may be intended to kill, incapacitate, or seriously impair a person, group of people, or even an entire population. It may also be defined as the material or defense against such employment. Biological warfare is a military technique that can be used by nation-states or non-national groups. In the latter case, or if a nation-state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bioterrorism. History: Biological warfare has been practiced repeatedly throughout history. Before the 20th century, the use of biological agents took three major forms: Deliberate poisoning of food and water with infectious material Use of microorganisms, toxins or animals, living or dead, in a weapon system Use of biologically inoculated fabrics The ancient world: The earliest documented incident of the intention to use biological weapons is recorded in Hittite texts of 1500-1200 B.C, in which victims of plague were driven into enemy lands. Although the Assyrians knew of ergot, a parasitic fungus of rye which produces ergotism when ingested, there is no evidence that they poisoned enemy wells with the fungus, as has been claimed. According to Homers epic poems about the legendary Trojan War, the Iliad and the Odyssey, spears and arrows were tipped with poison. During the First Sacred War in Greece, in about 590 BC, Athens and the Amphictionic League poisoned the water supply of the besieged town of Kirrha (near Delphi) with the toxic plant hellebore. The Roman commander Manius Aquillus poisoned the wells of besieged enemy cities in about 130 BC. During the 4th century BC Scythian archers tipped their arrow tips with snake venom, human blood, and animal feces to cause wounds to become infected. There are numerous other instances of the use of plant toxins, venoms, and other poisonous substances to create biological weapons in antiquity. In 184 B.C, Hannibal of Carthage had clay pots filled with venomous snakes and instructed his soldiers to throw the pots onto the decks of Pergamene ships. In about AD 198, the city of Hatra (near Mosul, Iraq) repulsed the Roman army led by Septimius Severus by hurling clay pots filled with live scorpions at them. Medieval biological warfare: When the Mongol Empire established commercial and political connections between the Eastern and Western areas of the world, its Mongol armies and merchant caravans probably inadvertently brought bubonic plague from central Asia to the Middle East and Europe. The Black Death swept through Eurasia, killing approximately one third to one half of the population and changing the course of Asian and European history. During the Middle Ages, victims of the bubonic plague were used for biological attacks, often by flinging corpses and excrement over castle walls using catapults. In 1346, the bodies of Mongol warriors of the Golden Horde who had died of plague were thrown over the walls of the besieged Crimean city of Kaffa (now Theodosia). It has been speculated that this operation may have been responsible for the advent of the Black Death in Europe. At the siege of Thun lEveque in 1340, during the Hundred Years War, the attackers catapulted decomposing animals into the besieged area. Modern times: The 18th Century: The Native American population was decimated after contact with the Old World due to the introduction of many different fatal diseases. There are two documented cases of alleged and attempted germ warfare. The first, during a parley at Fort Pitt on June 24, 1763, Ecuyer gave representatives of the besieging Delawares two blankets and a handkerchief that had been exposed to smallpox, hoping to spread the disease to the Natives in order to end the siege. William Trent, the militia commander, left records that clearly indicated that the purpose of giving the blankets was to Convey the Smallpox to the Indians. British commander Lord Jeffrey Amherst and Swiss-British officer Colonel Henry Bouquet, whose correspondence referenced the idea of giving smallpox-infected blankets to Indians in the course of Pontiacs Rebellion. Historian Francis Parkman verifies four letters from June 29, July 13, 16 and 26th, 1763. Excerpts: Commander Lord Jeffrey Amherst writes July 16, 1763, P.S. You will Do well to try to Inocculate the Indians by means of Blankets, as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race. I should be very glad your Scheme for Hunting them Down by Dogs could take Effect, Colonel Henry Bouquet replies July 26, 1763, I received yesterday your Excellencys letters of 16th with their Inclosures. The signal for Indian Messengers, and all your directions will be observed. While the intent for biological warfare is clear, there is a debate among historians as to whether this actually took place despite Bouquets affirmative reply to Amherst and each having written to the other about it twice. Smallpox transmitted to Native American tribes could have been due to the transfer of the disease to blankets during transportation. Historians have been unable to establish whether or not this plan was implemented, particularly in light of the fact that smallpox was already present in the region, and that scientific knowledge of disease at that time had yet to discover bacteria or develop an understanding of plague vectors. Regardless of whether this plan was carried out, trade and combat provided ample opportunity for transmission of the disease. See also: Small pox during Pontiacs Rebellion. The 19th Century: In 1834 Cambridge Diarist Richard Henry Dana visited San Francisco on a merchant ship. His ship traded many items including blankets with Mexicans and Russians who had established outposts on the northern side of the San Francisco Bay. Local histories document that the California smallpox epidemic began at the Russian fort soon after they left. Blankets were a popular trading item, and the cheapest source of them was second-hand blankets which were often contaminated. During the American Civil War, General Sherman reported that Confederate forces shot farm animals in ponds upon which the Union depended for drinking water. This would have made the water unpleasant to drink, although the actual health risks from dead bodies of humans and animals which did not die of disease are minimal. Jack London in his story Yah! Yah! Yah! describes a punitive European expedition to a Pacific island deliberately exposing the Polynesian population to Measles, of which many of them died s:South Sea Tales/Yah! Yah! Yah!. While much of the material for Londons South Sea Tales is derived from his personal experience in the region, it is not certain that this particular incident is historical. The 20th Century: During the First World War, Germany pursued an ambitious biological warfare program. Using diplomatic pouches and couriers, the German General Staff supplied small teams of saboteurs in the Russian Duchy of Finland, and in the then-neutral countries of Romania, the US and Argentina. In Finland, Scandinavian freedom fighters mounted on reindeer placed ampules of anthrax in stables of Russian horses in 1916. Anthrax was also supplied to the German military attache in Bucharest, as was Glanders, which was employed against livestock destined for Allied service. German intelligence officer and US citizen Dr. Anton Casimir Dilger established a secret lab in the basement of his sisters home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, that produced Glanders which was used to infect livestock in ports and inland collection points including, at least, Newport News, Norfolk, Baltimore, and New York, and probably St. Louis and Covington, Kentucky. In Argentina, German agents also employed Glanders in the port of Buenos Aires and also tried to ruin wheat harvests with a destructive fungus. During the 1948 Israel War of Independence, Red Cross reports raised suspicion that the Jewish Haganah militia had released Salmonella typhi bacteria into the water supply for the city of Acre, causing an outbreak of typhoid among the inhabitants. Egyptian troops later captured disguised Haganah soldiers near wells in Gaza, whom they executed for allegedly attempting another attack. Israel denies these allegations. During the Cold War, US conscientious objectors were used as consenting test subjects for biological agents in a program known as Operation Whitecoat. There were also many unpublicized tests carried out on the public during the Cold War. E120 biological bomblet, developed before the U.S. signed the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention Considerable research on the topic was performed by the United States (see US Biological Weapon Testing), the Soviet Union, and probably other major nations throughout the Cold War era, though it is generally believed that biological weapons were never used after World War II. This view was challenged by China and North Korea, who accused the United States of large-scale field testing of biological weapons, including the use of disease-carrying insects against them during the Korean War (1950-1953). Biological agents: Biological warfare is the deliberate use of disease and natural poisons to incapacitate humans. It employs pathogens as weapons. Pathogens are the micro-organism, whether bacterial, viral or protozoic, that cause disease. There are four kinds of biological warfare agents: bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae and fungi. Biological weapons are distinguished by being living organisms, that reproduce within their host victims, who then become contagious with a deadly, if weakening, multiplier effect. Toxins in contrast do not reproduce in the victim and need only the briefest of incubation periods; they kill within a few hours. Biological Weapons Characteristics: Anti-personnel BW: Ideal characteristics of biological weapons targeting humans are high infectivity, high potency, non-availability of vaccines, and delivery as an aerosol. Diseases most likely to be considered for use as biological weapons are contenders because of their lethality (if delivered efficiently), and robustness (making aerosol delivery feasible). The biological agents used in biological weapons can often be manufactured quickly and easily. The primary difficulty is not the production of the biological agent but delivery in an effective form to a vulnerable target. For example, anthrax is considered an effective agent for several reasons. First, it forms hardy spores, perfect for dispersal aerosols. Second, pneumonic (lung) infections of anthrax usually do not cause secondary infections in other people. Thus, the effect of the agent is usually confined to the target. A pneumonic anthrax infection starts with ordinary cold symptoms and quickly becomes lethal, with a fatality rate that is 90% or higher. Finally, friendly personnel can be protected with suitable antibiotics. A mass attack using anthrax would require the creation of aerosol particles of 1.5 to 5 micrometres. Too large and the aerosol would be filtered out by the respiratory system. Too small and the aerosol would be inhaled and exhaled. Also, at this size, nonconductive powders tend to clump and cling because of electrostatic charges. This hinders dispersion. So the material must be treated to insulate and discharge the charges. The aerosol must be delivered so that rain and sun does not rot it, and yet the human lung can be infected. There are other technological difficulties as well. Diseases considered for weaponization, or known to be weaponized include anthrax , ebola, Marburg virus, plague , cholera , tularemia, brucellosis, Q fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Coccidioides mycosis , Glanders, Melioidosis, Shigella, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus , Psittacosis, yellow fever , Japanese B encephalitis , Rift Valley fever, and smallpox [19][31]. Naturally-occurring toxins that can be used as weapons include ricin, SEB, botulism toxin, saxitoxin, and many mycotoxins. The organisms causing these diseases are known as select agents. In the United States, their possession, use, and transfer are regulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Select Agent Program. Anti-agriculture BW: Biological warfare can also specifically target plants to destroy crops or defoliate vegetation. The United States and Britain discovered plant growth regulators (i.e., herbicides) during the Second World War, and initiated an herbicidal warfare program that was eventually used in Malaya and Vietnam in counter insurgency. Though herbicides are chemicals, they are often grouped with biological warfare as bioregulators in a similar manner as biotoxins. Scorched earth tactics or destroying livestock and farmland were carried out in the Vietnam war and Eelam War in Sri Lanka. The United States developed an anti-crop capability during the Cold War that used plant diseases (bioherbicides, or mycoherbicides) for destroying enemy agriculture. It was believed that destruction of enemy agriculture on a strategic scale could thwart Sino-Soviet aggression in a general war. Diseases such as wheat blast and rice blast were weaponized in aerial spray tanks and cluster bombs for delivery to enemy water sheds in agricultural regions to initiate epiphytotics (epidemics among plants). When the United States renounced its offensive biological warfare program in 1969 and 1970, the vast majority of its biological arsenal was composed of these plant diseases. In 1980s Soviet Ministry of Agriculture had successfully developed variants of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest against cows, African swine fever for pigs, and psittacosis to kill chicken. These agents were prepared to spray them down from tanks attached to airplanes over hundreds of miles. The secret program was code-named Ecology Biodefence: Role of public health departments and disease surveillance: It is important to note that all of the classical and modern biological weapons organisms are animal diseases, the only exception being smallpox. Thus, in any use of biological weapons, it is highly likely that animals will become ill either simultaneously with, or perhaps earlier than humans. Indeed, in the largest biological weapons accident known- the anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in the Soviet Union in 1979, sheep became ill with anthrax as far as 200 kilometers from the release point of the organism from a military facility in the southeastern portion of the city (known as Compound 19 and still off limits to visitors today, see Sverdlovsk Anthrax leak). Thus, a robust surveillance system involving human clinicians and veterinarians may identify a bioweapons attack early in the course of an epidemic, permitting the prophylaxis of disease in the vast majority of people (and/or animals) exposed but not yet ill. For example in the case of anthrax, it is likely that by 24 36 hours after an attack, some small percentage of individuals (those with compromised immune system or who had received a large dose of the organism due to proximity to the release point) will become ill with classical symptoms and signs (including a virtually unique chest X-ray finding, often recognized by public health officials if they receive timely reports). By making these data available to local public health officials in real time, most models of anthrax epidemics indicate that more than 80% of an exposed population can receive antibiotic treatment before becoming symptomatic, and thus avoid the moderately high mortality of the disease. Identification of bioweapons: The goal of biodefense is to integrate the sustained efforts of the national and homeland security, medical, public health, intelligence, diplomatic, and law enforcement communities. Health care providers and public health officers are among the first lines of defense. In some countries private, local, and provincial (state) capabilities are being augmented by and coordinated with federal assets, to provide layered defenses against biological weapons attacks. During the first Gulf War the United Nations activated a biological and chemical response team, Task Force Scorpio, to respond to any potential use of weapons of mass destruction on civilians. The traditional approach toward protecting agriculture, food, and water: focusing on the natural or unintentional introduction of a disease is being strengthened by focused efforts to address current and anticipated future biological weapons threats that may be deliberate, multiple, and repetitive. The growing threat of biowarfare agents and bioterrorism has led to the development of specific field tools that perform on-the-spot analysis and identification of encountered suspect materials. One such technology, being developed by researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), employs a sandwich immunoassay, in which fluorescent dye-labeled antibodies aimed at specific pathogens are attached to silver and gold nanowires. Biological agent A sampling of Bacillus anthracis-Anthrax A biological agent is a bacterium, virus, prion, fungus, or biological toxin that can be used in bioterrorism or biological warfare. More than 1200 different kinds of biological agents have been described and studied to date. Applying a slightly broader definition, some eukaryotes (for example parasites) and their associated toxins can be considered as biological agents. Biological agents have the ability to adversely affect human health in a variety of ways, ranging from relatively mild allergic reactions to serious medical conditions, even death. These organisms are ubiquitous in the natural environment; they are found in water, soil, plants, and animals. Because many biological agents reproduce rapidly and require minimal resources for preservation, they are a potential danger in a wide variety of occupational settings. Antibiotic resistance: Antibiotic resistance is a specific type of drug resistance when a microorganism has the ability of withstanding the effects of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance evolves via natural selection acting upon random mutation, but it can also be engineered by applying an evolutionary stress on a population. Once such a gene is generated, bacteria can then transfer the genetic information in a horizontal fashion (between individuals) by conjugation, transduction, or transformation. Many antibiotic resistance genes reside on plasmids, facilitating their transfer. If a bacterium carries several resistance genes, it is called multiresistant or, informally, a superbug. The term antimicrobial resistance is sometimes used to explicitly encompass organisms other than bacteria. Antibiotic resistance can also be introduced artificially into a microorganism through laboratory protocols, sometimes used as a selectable marker to examine the mechanisms of gene transfer or to identify individuals that absorbed a piece of DNA that included the resistance gene and another gene of interest. Causes: The widespread use of antibiotics both inside and outside of medicine is playing a significant role in the emergence of resistant bacteria. They are often used in animals but also in other industries which at least in the case of agricultural use lead to the spread of resistant strains to human populations. In some countries antibiotics are sold over the counter without a prescription which compounds the problem. In human medicine the major problem of the emergence of resistant bacteria is due to misuse and overuse of antibiotics by doctors as well as patients. Other practices contributing towards resistance include the addition of antibiotics to the feed of livestock. Household use of antibacterials in soaps and other products, although not clearly contributing to resistance, is also discouraged (as not being effective at infection control). Also unsound practices in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry can contribute towards the likelihood of creating antibiotic resistant stra ins. Certain antibiotic classes are highly associated with colonisation with superbugs compared to other antibiotic classes. The risk for colonisation increases if there is a lack of sensitivity (resistance) of the superbugs to the antibiotic used and high tissue penetration as well as broad spectrum activity against good bacteria. In the case of MRSA, increased rates of MRSA infections are seen with glycopeptides, cephalosporins and especially quinolones. In the case of colonisation with C difficile the high risk antibiotics include cephalosporins and in particular quinolones and clindamycin. Mechanisms: Antibiotic resistance can be a result of horizontal gene transfer,[30] and also of unlinked point mutations in the pathogen genome and a rate of about 1 in 108 per chromosomal replication. The antibiotic action against the pathogen can be seen as an environmental pressure; those bacteria which have a mutation allowing them to survive will live on to reproduce. They will then pass this trait to their offspring, which will result in a fully resistant colony. The four main mechanisms by which microorganisms exhibit resistance to antimicrobials are: Drug inactivation or modification: e.g. enzymatic deactivation of Penicillin G in some penicillin-resistant bacteria through the production of ÃŽÂ ²-lactamases. Alteration of target site: e.g. alteration of PBP-the binding target site of penicillins-in MRSA and other penicillin-resistant bacteria. Alteration of metabolic pathway: e.g. some sulfonamide-resistant bacteria do not require para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), an important precursor for the synthesis of folic acid and nucleic acids in bacteria inhibited by sulfonamides. Instead, like mammalian cells, they turn to utilizing preformed folic acid. Reduced drug accumulation: by decreasing drug permeability and/or increasing active efflux (pumping out) of the drugs across the cell surface. Conclusion: Specific consensus recommendations are made regarding the diagnosis of anthrax, indications for vaccination, therapy for those exposed, postexposure prophylaxis, decontamination of the environment, and additional research needs. Of the numerous biological agents that may be used as weapons, the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense has identified a limited number of organisms that could cause disease and deaths in sufficient numbers to cripple a city or region. Anthrax is one of the most serious of these diseases.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Brain and Behavior of Men and Women Essay -- Females Males Paperes Com
If we were to examine a high school calculus classroom or the staff at an engineering program of a college or university, chances are that the male to female ratio would be significantly skewed. Why are women and men so different in their choices and behavior? The brunt of popular opinion focuses on the environmental cues that lead to our distinct behaviors. But is there also an innate biological basis to the choices and differing abilities between men and women? Cognitive functioning or brain processing differences in the two genders has been a point of interest and contention for many years. The purpose of this essay is to explore if neuroanatomical and genetic differences between males and females play a role in the development of "gender-specific" behaviors, perceived intellectual strengths and professional choices. Equality regardless of gender or creed is an axiom that is crucial to our modern day society. And yet even in this 21st century, the number of women in certain "male dominated" professions, has remained fairly unchanged. Many social theorists believe that women are discouraged from such professions and that if they were given an unbiased, level playing field, that demand for these professions would be identical for both males and females. Mary Pipher, a psychotherapist for adolescent females writes, "With girls... their success is attributed to good luck or hard work and failure to lack of ability, with every failure, girls' confidence is eroded. All this works in subtle ways to stop girls from wanting to be astronauts and brain surgeons. Girls can't say why they ditch their dreams, they just 'mysteriously' lose interest" (10). Experiments have shown that women perform better when given tests that they... ...nd environment play on sexual identity is uncertain. References 1) Gender Identity Disorder by Anne Vitale 2) The Role of Estrogen in Sexual Differentiation by Elaine Bonleon de Castro 3) Gender Differences in Cognitive Functioning by Heidi Weiman 4) Sex on the Brain - Biological Differences between Genders by Deborah Blum 5) Cognitive Development 6) Gender-Related Heart Differences in Human Neonates by Emese Nagy 7) Boys will be Boys: Challenging theories on Gender Permanence by Josh Greenberg 8) Neural Masculization and Feminization by Mary Bartek 9) Thinking about Brain Size 10) Gender Issues - Excerpt from "Reviving Ophelia" by Mary Pipher 11) Women's Brains - More Effective? 12) Speech Processing in the Brain 13) The Nature Versus Nurture Debate 14) The Genetic-Gender Gap 15) Explanations of Criminal Behavior Brain and Behavior of Men and Women Essay -- Females Males Paperes Com If we were to examine a high school calculus classroom or the staff at an engineering program of a college or university, chances are that the male to female ratio would be significantly skewed. Why are women and men so different in their choices and behavior? The brunt of popular opinion focuses on the environmental cues that lead to our distinct behaviors. But is there also an innate biological basis to the choices and differing abilities between men and women? Cognitive functioning or brain processing differences in the two genders has been a point of interest and contention for many years. The purpose of this essay is to explore if neuroanatomical and genetic differences between males and females play a role in the development of "gender-specific" behaviors, perceived intellectual strengths and professional choices. Equality regardless of gender or creed is an axiom that is crucial to our modern day society. And yet even in this 21st century, the number of women in certain "male dominated" professions, has remained fairly unchanged. Many social theorists believe that women are discouraged from such professions and that if they were given an unbiased, level playing field, that demand for these professions would be identical for both males and females. Mary Pipher, a psychotherapist for adolescent females writes, "With girls... their success is attributed to good luck or hard work and failure to lack of ability, with every failure, girls' confidence is eroded. All this works in subtle ways to stop girls from wanting to be astronauts and brain surgeons. Girls can't say why they ditch their dreams, they just 'mysteriously' lose interest" (10). Experiments have shown that women perform better when given tests that they... ...nd environment play on sexual identity is uncertain. References 1) Gender Identity Disorder by Anne Vitale 2) The Role of Estrogen in Sexual Differentiation by Elaine Bonleon de Castro 3) Gender Differences in Cognitive Functioning by Heidi Weiman 4) Sex on the Brain - Biological Differences between Genders by Deborah Blum 5) Cognitive Development 6) Gender-Related Heart Differences in Human Neonates by Emese Nagy 7) Boys will be Boys: Challenging theories on Gender Permanence by Josh Greenberg 8) Neural Masculization and Feminization by Mary Bartek 9) Thinking about Brain Size 10) Gender Issues - Excerpt from "Reviving Ophelia" by Mary Pipher 11) Women's Brains - More Effective? 12) Speech Processing in the Brain 13) The Nature Versus Nurture Debate 14) The Genetic-Gender Gap 15) Explanations of Criminal Behavior
Monday, November 11, 2019
Best Locations to Buy CBD Oil Near Me
Ever wondered how you can get your hands on a CBD oil near you? Then you have just stumbled across the right place. The sales of CBD oil have been on an upward trend since 2017, and forecasts indicate they will only get better. Restrictions put in place by State and Federal laws have created lots of misperceptions on who can purchase the CBD oils. So how does one go about it?Intending to Buy the CBD Oil near me?First, start by understanding the laws. Currently, only 9 states across the country allow for the use of marijuana on recreational grounds, Washington, D.C can be included. Not everyone has the opportunity to walk right into a dispensary and make an order for fine CBD oil, this privilege is determined by where you reside. Despite the acceptance of legal recreational weed, some of the 9 states require special medical marijuana cards or a medical prescription from a physician. If you are in a state that requires so, it's quite simple to obtain an online recommendation in a matte r of minutes. As of 2018, 29 of the 50 states within the union permit the use of medical weed in one way or the other. Cannabis CBD oil used for special treatment fall right within that category given it's an affiliate product. Now, where does the complication arise? When it comes to qualifying for a medical card, that's easy. The downside is having to go through a long and tiresome bureaucratic process with the state Health Board. All the best on that! Even after going through the entire charade, the most stringent medical states have few authorized dispensaries open. They are located in areas that are totally inaccessible. Our CBD oil is derived from Hemp, which is why it is legal in all 50 states. This article is the perfect guide for those anyone searching â€Å"Where to but CBD oil near me†.History of Hemp CBD oilCultivation of the first hemp plants began over 10,000 years ago. The first sighting was made in an ancient Taiwanese village. Distinguished as one of the first plants cultivated by man, hemp and cannabis are widely regarded as the foundation of Chinese medicine. As it thrived into mainland China, it gradually spread into India, Europe, and Arabia over the next millennia. Hemp found its way into America during the colonial times by explorers and was mainly used as medicines, fabrics, and textiles. Accidentally discovered from the hemp plant in 1940, CBD emerged as a powerful substance that can alter our percepti on of human health and disease.What is CBD?According to the latest research, cannabidiol extracts derived from cannabis plants can be used as oil. Mainly rich in Cannabinoids, they are bound to receptors within the brain. Another widely known cannabinoid is the tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as THC. It was in 1960 when scientists were able to isolate the THC compound from cannabis. CBD is a structural isomer of THC that accounts for 80 percent of the plant extract. They both share the same chemical composition except for the atom arrangement which differs slightly. There is a unique ring in the stricture that opens and closes. When it opens its CBD when closed its THC. The CBD compound has existed much longer than THC but its true value has manifested in the past few decades. We have only begun to understand how it modulates the effects of THC and acts as a unique compound in itself. Within CBD are pain relieving properties, anti-seizure properties, anti-cancer properties, and blocks out the worst effects of THC. All this argument has been backed by research and testing where examinations are done out in the field among marijuana uses. Those with CBD registered less adverse effects from their marijuana usage. The research has also been corroborated in animal studies among other groups. We are seeing some cancer research groups champion for the use of CBD in cancer chemotherapy. Others have argues for its use in offsetting diabetic neuropathy that is the leading cause of blindness nationwide.Is there a Difference between Hemp and Cannabis CBD Oil?CBD oil has become the preferred term when talking about the different oils derived from the hemp plant. In the real sense though, they are quite different. Some Cannabis CBD oil varieties may have high concentrations of THC – just under 10 percent. In other cases, the concentration in CBD oil is less than 2 percent. Industrial hemp has even lower concentrations – under 0.3 percent. Cannabis Oil: Primarily derived from marijuana, cannabis oil has a high percentage of THC. In that regard, it can only be bought in a place where marijuana is legalized. Another alternative would be through prescription. The level of compound (CBD or THC) will vary in different products. Commercially produced cannabis oils tend to contain more standard CBD and THC concentrations. Hemp seed oils: Industrial hemp seeds get cold-pressed to create nutty oils. Such products contain few traces of cannabinoids, one of which is CBD. In addition, within the hemp seed oils are vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. This makes them suitable for cooking, creating biofuels or skin care products.Does CBD oil result in a high?From a user point of view, CBD simply tastes as an essential oil. To be more precise, the taste can be likened to that of a flower. Cannabinoid does not give you the buzzing high feel synonymous with smoking marijuana. Considerations Actually, it is common knowledge that the hemp-based oil creates no psychoactive responsiveness whatsoever. Contrary to misconception, it will not cure cancer or any other disease. It will, however, help when treating mild conditions like arthritis, pain or anxiety. It's best to consume to receive a prescribed dosage from a medical practitioner. Just as with most remedies in life, the positive effects start to kick in a week or so.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Americas First Spy Satellites essays
America's First Spy Satellites essays Curtis Peebles is empowering readers with the newly declassified information on how the first American satellites were set into use for intelligence gathering. Through his book, The Corona Project: America's First Spy Satellites, the author gives detailed information on the birth of the satellite program by watching the Corona project from its beginnings in the late 1940s to the declassification of the project and its exhibitions at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. The book begins with a look into World War II and how the event of Pearl Harbor pressed the need for aerial reconnaissance. The first chapter gives the different technological challenges that had to be faced in order to achieve aerospace superiority. This chapter takes a close look into the development of the WS-117L reconnaissance satellite and how the two projects are related. The main thrust that the project received was from the launch of Sputnik I. With the Soviets now seemingly ahead, the author explains how the project was taken away from the Air Force who was failing with the WS-117L and passed the mission onto the CIA for the development of the Corona satellites. Peebles explains that the difference between the two programs is that the WS-117L promised almost real-time through radio-transmitted imagery while the Corona missions would drop the film from the nose cone for development. The engineering team faced numerous challenges in the task of getting the satellites into orbit as explained in chapter three. The chapter covers blundering trial after trial and the success finally achieved by Discoverer 13 after delivering its payload (an empty capsule) undamaged to the earth's surface. Peebles goes into depth about the first sets of films that were recovered and developed in chapters four through six and then goes into depth about how this new satellite program revolutionized the capabilities that the Ame...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Decoding Captain Miller Essays
Decoding Captain Miller Essays Decoding Captain Miller Essay Decoding Captain Miller Essay Decoding Miller The Character of Protagonist in Saving Private Ryan by Jack L. Walker, Jr. The movie Saving Private Ryan is like a large painting with many carefully brushed hues. Where does one begin in analyzing it? Perhaps if I can touch on how it addresses an issue of current concern in society, it will prove useful. My focus is Captain John Miller, the chief protagonist, and his characters connection to todays ongoing discussion of moral character and leadership. Although we see Capt. Miller more than anyone else in the film, he may be the most difficult character to analyze. He does not wear his passions and opinions on his sleeves as his fellow soldiers do. In fact, he intentionally reveals little about himself. Like many other leading men, we need to carefully observe his interaction with several of other principal characters to discover Capt. Millers worthwhile character traits. The opening battle scene provides us with a good opportunity to make to some initial observations about Capt. Miller. If men, like metal, are tested by fire, then Capt. Miller will surely reveal his base alloy in the Omaha Beach invasion. With bullets pouring like rain on the invading forces, the overwhelming temptation for many Allied soldiers on D–Day was to simply hide behind the beachs barricades. (It has been reported that some of the soldiers were so paralyzed by fear that they hunkered down behind those barricades long enough to drown once the tide came in) Capt. Miller resists the temptation to stay shielded. He leads his men across the beach and up to the cliffs so that they will be in a better position to use their weapons. Their unit is one of those that contributes to the success of the Allies in this decisive battle. Specifically, it is field commanders like Capt. Miller that enable sound tactics to compensate for blown strategy. This scene allows us to see Capt. Miller clearly demonstrate his ability to persevere and fulfill a mission in the midst of deadly chaos. Soon after the battle, we are told that Capt. Miller was specifically chosen to play the role in the battle that he did. Now he is given another mission. This mission comes straight from Gen. Marshall. Capt. Miller is to rescue Private James Ryan from behind enemy lines and bring him to safety. His three brothers have died in combat, one on the Omaha Beach. Gen. Marshall believes that no mother should have to lose all of her sons in war–he wants Private Ryan sent home. Capt. Miller accepts the mission, finds Corporal Upham (translator) and begins his mission with his squad. Most of the people on the mission with Capt. Miller are those that we saw with him in the opening battle scene. As they walk through the lush French countryside, the men begin to question the purpose of the mission. They wonder if it is prudent to risk several lives to find one man. Where is the equity? The underlying question comes down to this: what is a human life worth? Perhaps all heroes in the classical mode must face this question at some point. And yet there is another theme layered in this scene. Corporal Upham (the smart but awkward coward) is trying to openly make a brotherly bond with the other men. This overt attempt to forge(force? ) relationships is met with laughter. Capt. Miller does not discourage the questions that surround the mission. But he cannot join in the complaining. He allows the spirited young men to voice their concerns. Perhaps he realizes the futility of his position. How can one convince another to go to risk for another person that he does not even know? He uses humor and directed discussion between his men to further the sense of purpose about their mission. Instead of authoritative lectures about duty or simple orders to shut up, Miller leads his men in a mature fashion. They respond appropriately. In this way he is able to encourage closeness between the men that is not so contrived as the intellectual attempts at brother–building made by Corporal Upham. Rank aside, Capt. Millers seasoned approach clearly makes him the leader of this outfit. We shall now jump ahead in the film. The mission has already lost one man, Private Caparzo, to a sniper. Against the advice of his men, Capt. Miller decides that they should make an open field attack on a Nazi radar nest protected by a machine–gun. The plan for the attack is implemented with great success. The enemy is destroyed, save one. Capt. Millers unit survives, except one. But the death of that one man provides some agonizing minutes as the group comforts him in his last moments of anguish. In horror, they watch him die in pain, calling for his mother. (Capt. Miller later weeps for Wade, but in private. Having witnessed the death of their comrade, they now seek to kill the Nazi who survived the raid. Corporal Upham, showing little passion for anything or anyone up to this point, now insists that the Nazi should be treated like a prisoner and be allowed to live. After much heated discussion, Capt. Miller decides to blindfold the Nazi and send him off. Knowing his mission will not allow him the luxury of caring for a prisoner, Capt. Miller hopes that another unit will capture the German. This action infuriates some of the men. Private Reibens open disgust leads him to the point of abandoning the mission. Sgt. Horvath becomes enraged with Reiben and orders him to stand down. Horvath even pulls out a pistol to make Reiben obey. Reiben would apparently rather risk his life than continue on the mission. Horvath seems intent on killing him if he leaves. Just at this critical juncture, Miller intervenes. He does not tell them to break it up. Instead he tells a little about his own life. We find out that he is a school teacher and is married. Miller reveals a private side of him previously kept secret. He admits that he does not know the meaning of the war or the worthiness of Private Ryan. He may not even be alive. ) Millers soliloquy closes with an offer to officially release Reiben from the mission. Reiben, clearly moved by the candid sincerity of Miller, decides to stay with the mission. Miller leads by example. Before long, the squad locates Private Ryan. Once he finds that his brothers are gone, he does not want to leave his comrades, whom he now considers family. He will stay with hi s unit and protect the bridge to which they are assigned. Millers squad shows disgust at Ryan. Although, lives were lost to bring him back, he refuses to be rescued. Miller does not try to pressure Ryan into coming with him. Is his mission to fail? He consults with Horvath, his second in command. Horvath reminds Miller of what he probably already knew: saving Private Ryan might be the one worthwhile thing that they do in the war. Perhaps, Horvath indicates, it can earn them the right to go home and enjoy the private life that they all long for. Decision–makers are often faced with difficult decisions like this one, for which all of the possible options look undesirable. The better leaders often come up with options that no one else thinks of. Miller neither wants to abandone the mission nor take Ryan back by force. He creates a third option. Miller decides that his own squad will help defend the bridge with a well–orchestrated plan. Just prior to the final battle, Upham translates a beautiful song to the squad while Miller talks to Ryan. Miller encourages Ryan to think of his brothers in terms of a context (a literary tool) so that he may properly remember them. Although both valuable, Millers appreciation of art has more practical application than of Uphams. Like many well–laid plans, Millers is not completely successful. The Germans do not take the bait. Their numbers overwhelm the two Allied units. Heavy casualties ensue until the reinforcements arrive. But if success is measured by the result of his mission, Miller makes the grade. Private Ryan is saved. Ironically, Miller is killed by the very Nazi who he released earlier. Upham then kills that Nazi, but only after the battle is won and the danger of retaliation is over. As he dies, Miller tells Ryan to earn this. Ryan, not to mention we the viewers, must strive to be worthy of the sacrifices made by those who have rescued him. In response to the earlier query as to what a human life is worth, Miller responds by giving up his own to rescue a virtual stranger. Let us consider some of the observations that we made along the way. What character traits do we find that contribute to the leadership of Capt. Miller? I offer some comparisons between him and the men under his command. Miller shows a high level of intelligence- an educated common sense, unlike that of Upham. He also shows the courage that sorely Upham lacks. Other men in Millers group show courage as well. But their spiritedness is not balanced by the self–control required to make good decisions. Miller needs to make good decisions since he is the leader. His leadership supersedes that of Horvath, who must lead with force when things become difficult. Miller leads by persuasion and example. He does find it necessary to humbly seek counsel with others when necessary, thus leaning on insights of Horvath when appropriate. Like the literary protagonists he lectured on to his classes, Miller may represent the main character in a drama where the minor principals represent some incomplete part of himself. There is no doubt that Miller demonstrates superior leadership over his men. But our good captain does show his normal human longings and emotions. We know that he desires the private life that he refuses to put before his public duties. He displays a sense of humor. And he weeps. Like all human beings, Miller finds it difficult to balance justice with mercy. He knows that life cannot be as fair as Reiben and the others would like- an imperfect world cannot produce perfect justice. His own judgement of mercy leads to his own death at the hand of the prisoner he released. Miller is ultimately brave and honorable. His ability to persevere in a mission is almost uncanny. He is a leader to be entrusted with the most serious of missions. It has been said that Uphams cowardice reflects how most of us would act in similar situations. If this is true, then Miller, the poet–warrior, is clearly our superior. And further, if we are correct in our assessment of Capt. Miller, then we should certainly see the need for such superior moral character coupled with practical judgment in our contemporary society. These are the components of honorable leadership.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Vietnam War & Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Vietnam War & Films - Essay Example Rambo, a United States’ veteran from the Vietnam War, comes back to America and finds out that â€Å"for him nothing is as it used to be before the war†(Anderegg, p. 83, 1991). On a journey on the lookout for a military friend, he notices problem with a small city sheriff. Rambo is at first harassed by the sheriff and detained on fake blames of vagrancy. He works impulsively, overcomes all the protectors and escapes. Rambo has been working in a labor camp detention center when his former commander visits him and offers the opportunity to be freed from detention, but on condition of him going into Vietnam to look for American prisoners of war. Rambo meets an American civil servant who is in command of the operation and he informs Rambo that the American community is requiring information regarding the prisoners of war and they would like a skilled commando to step in and search for them. Rambo received the notice that he should only take pictures of the prisoners of war and not to save them, nor is he to involve in any opponent armed forces. Rambo unwillingly gives consent and he is subsequently told that a representative of the American government will be present to receive him in the ruthless situations of Vietnam. America has modified its perceptions about the Vietnam War and veterans of that war. By the year 1977, no one even likes to speak regarding Vietnam. From 1977 until 1980, a ‘whole bunch’ of actually excellent films on the subject of Vietnam War was released, and all of a sudden, it was justifiable. At the moment, it is acceptable to be a Vietnam veteran. Two of the early movies that cause the alteration in opinion were ‘Missing in Action’ and ‘Rambo: First Blood Part II’. ‘Platoon’ was the earliest of five key movies concentrating on the personal account of veterans about warfare's incidents. That was a year of self-assessment as well as understanding of history. It was a straightforward public acceptance of defeat during a 20 years old combat. Platoon (1986) and Full Metal Jacket (1987) symbolize a number of of the most excellent Vietnam films and each of them criticized the war from a special point of view. The proliferation of th ese films overlapped with the administration of Ronald Reagan, a Cold Warrior determined to finish the confrontation with the USSR. Vietnam films may have been aggravated by the need to remind Americans of the pointlessness of battles like Vietnam that started as a result of hopeless apprehensions of socialist growth. Nevertheless, most Americans during the 1980s had place Vietnam behind them, concentrating on creating nationwide as well as individual prosperity. Rambo arrives at the Vietnam soldiers’ camp, and in opposition to his briefing, he locates American captives there and releases one of them from a temporary crucifixion. Subsequent to his break out, the camp's Soviets, as well as Vietnamese soldiers are sent to try to find him. Rambo gathers his weapons, and by means of guerilla fighting approaches, is able to destroy a huge number of opponent military forces. He continues to a small rival camp and annihilates it along with quite a lot of vehicles. The movies that fo llowed near the beginning of 1980s created a mythic Vietnam: the revenge movies about
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