Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Ethical Issue On Medical Treatment Essay - 1200 Words
Individuals seek medical treatment everyday to stay healthy, treat an illness, or to stay alive. We all seek treatment whether it is voluntary or in an emergency basis. Some individuals suffer from severe illnesses, in which they might get to a certain point and decide to refuse medical treatment because they do not want to go through the pain anymore. Doctors face at least one ethical issue on a day-to-day basis due to patients refusing medical treatment, and possibly wanting to end their lives. Every year this has become a controversial debate whether or not it is ethical for patients to refuse treatment. In the story regarding 17-year old Maggie, she is diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, and denies treatment due to the risk of possibly losing her eyesight. She decides she does not want to go through with treatment as well as wanting to end her life. This has caused a difficult debate in her doctor and loved ones life because they do not agree with her decision. Therefore, the question is what is ethical in this situation? Utilitarianism is rooted in the thesis that an action or practice is right (when compared to any alternative action or practice) if it leads to the greatest possible balance of good consequences or to the least possible balance of bad consequences in the world as a whole. (13) This theory discusses how as humans we should pursue our lives. John Mill, a philosopher, supported the Utilitarianism perspective, known as, The Greatest HappinessShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Dilemma Of Nurses Face Ethical Dilemmas843 Words  | 4 PagesIn clinical setting, nurses face ethical dilemmas everyday. There is no perfect answer to ethical dilemmas in clinical area. It is important to identify ethics related situation, work as a team to address these problems and provide support for patient and families. Dealing with dilemmas is not just a nursing issue. But the role and function of nurses could affect whole team member and their patients too. 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