Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Similarities between Ballet and Hip Hop
Chapter by chapter list Introduction Similarities Differences Conclusion Introduction Dance is and consistently will be a type of articulation where the developments performed say a lot of the feelings and sentiments that the artist is attempting to give to the crowd. The novel part of move is that it isn't restricted to a doled out imperative or structure but instead adjusts to the sort of music that is being played which thus has made a horde of various move structures mirroring the plenty of accessible music on the planet today.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop †Comparative Essay explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More What must be seen however is that similarly as various variants music must pass on various messages so to do various types of move depict various sentiments and feelings. So as to all the more likely comprehend this idea an assessment of differentiations is expected to explain exactly how ext raordinary yet comparative certain styles of moving are to one another. To this end Hip bounce and expressive dance have been picked because of the undeniable contrasts in their way of passing on feeling and evoking responses from different crowds. It is really an uncommon sight for crowds of either type of articulation to communicate and considerably rarer still to see them inside a similar zone anyway this is exactly why the two styles of move were picked, for it is in their differentiations that make them unique that the conspicuousness of their likeness becomes exposed. It depends on this that this paper accept that in spite of their natural contrasts in style both hip bounce and artful dance contain comparative credits with regards to accuracy developments and their capacity to recount to the narrative of a tune through development and body beat. What should initially be comprehended is that in spite of the suppositions of this paper, hip bounce and artful dance are still intri nsically various styles of move. At the point when an individual performs expressive dance their body follows a specific stream, moves carefully in exact understanding with the music with severe adherence to frame and style. Hip jump then again has no especially unmistakable style, in actuality the premise of this specific type of move is in act of spontaneity where artists create move moves and examples as they see fit. On the off chance that artful dance is a delicate type of moving including sensitivity, hip jump is a hard type of articulation utilizing touchy developments. It is on this premise this paper will expound based on the structures and styles used in the two sorts of move and will separate exactly how comparative and diverse both specific strategies for move are to one another. Likenesses Emotion, unadulterated feeling and articulation, this is premise of the style of artful dance, each substantial development, each elegant advance, jump and raised appendage, the entir ety of this is done to pass on some type of message to the crowd. While many may accept that the ballet dancer simply moves alongside a melody it must be comprehended that the tune itself is just complimentary, what must be watched is how the developments stream, on the off chance that they are intended to depict desire, misery or demurity.Advertising Looking for paper on workmanship and structure? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It must be noticed that the human body is in truth equipped for different kinds of substantial articulation which can all be deciphered in any way ways. Expressive dance exploits this by using non-verbal communication as a methods for recounting to a story without words. The tunes, foundations and outfits all add to working up the story anyway it is the ballet performer that is the genuine narrator. Then again expressive dance is likewise done to dazzle, exact developments, amazing beat and timing just as slight aerobatic exhibition are completely done so as to engage the crowd. Truly artful dance isn't just a type of articulation yet additionally a type of diversion that is intended to attract swarms for a benefit. Similarly Hip bounce is likewise founded on sheer crude feeling; its developments however pass on the baser parts of feeling, for example, outrage, the requirement for opportunity and carelessness anyway they pass on feelings none the less. Similarly as artful dance is exact in its developments and mood so too is Hip bounce, one present day case of this can be found in the Step Up film arrangement where Hip jump artists move together under a similar cadence, communicate through their moving and let the music praise what they do rather than their moving commending the music. Like expressive dance Hip jump exhibitions are additionally intended to intrigue and engage crowds during different occasions to likewise make a benefit. Contrasts The natural distinction betwe en the two styles lies exclusively with the way that one promoters total similarity while the different empowers act of spontaneity and redefinition, this obviously alludes to artful dance and Hip jump separately. What should initially be comprehended is that the each type of move created under an alternate kind of culture. In the way of life of Hip jump redefinition, entertainment, and ad lib are at the core of this move style because of certainty that that impersonation is exceptionally disapproved of in Hip bounce culture. For them, innovation and uniqueness characterized the usage of styles with every exhibition really being marginally or even dissimilarly not the same as what preceded. This is done for the sake of guaranteeing that specific move numbers are done in way where they generally appear to be unique, that they are not dependent on impersonation and that they are the sole making of the individuals who move them. Artful dance then again is about similarity, exhibitions done on one night must be equivalent to the following night and the night after that. For old style expressive dance moving it isn't about act of spontaneity and inventiveness rather it is the advancement of ability to its apex through sheer monotonous activity. The advancement of flawless structure, immaculate beauty and impeccable strides, to give the ideal execution again and again is the thing that artful dance endeavors to do. While there are sure act of spontaneities done, these are moderately minor when contrasted with way in which the style appears to continue rehashing itself. In this redundancy a ballet performer can create himself/herself into a figure of outright elegance and excellence. While Hip jump can be viewed as consistent astonishment and advancement artful dance is viewed as the accomplishment of the total peak in beauty and fluidity.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop †Comparative Essay explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Based on the discoveries of this paper it very well may be seen that while Hip bounce and artful dance may have inalienable contrasts in the goal and focal point of their different move developments the reality remains that they are still intrinsically comparable in their longing to communicate and engage. While it is as yet not exactly plainly got, accuracy and facilitated developments that can be seen in both expressive dance and Hip bounce clearly have a comparative intrigue to the human detects. Maybe it is in the non-verbal communication, development styles or sheer musicality, notwithstanding the two styles of move are the equivalent in their capacity to engage and confer a message through their developments. This capacity is particularly extraordinary when contrasted with formal dancing since there doesn't appear to be any message that partner dancing is attempting to grant to a group of people and in truth as opposed to the melody praising the artist, for this situation the artist is commending the tune. This is the reason artful dance and Hip bounce are so comparative, they can pass on messages different types of move can't; only they can utilize their bodies to weave stories, inspire solid reactions, cause energy and strain and generally significant of all engage crowds past simple body developments and knee twitching. This article on Similarities among Ballet and Hip Hop was composed and put together by client Destiny Odonnell to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Coping With a Fear of Swallowing (Phagophobia)
Coping With a Fear of Swallowing (Phagophobia) Phobias Types Print Coping With Phagophobia (Fear of Swallowing) By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 19, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 12, 2019 Blend Images/Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Phagophobia, or the fear of swallowing, is a relatively rare and quite specific phobia. It is sometimes confused with pseudodysphagia (the fear of choking). The major difference is that those with phagophobia are afraid of the act of swallowing, while those with pseudodysphagia are afraid that swallowing will lead to choking. Both fears are sometimes confused with medical conditions such as dysphagia and odynophagia, in which a physiological disorder causes difficult or painful swallowing. Causes of Phagophobia Phagophobia is often, though not always, triggered by a negative experience while eating and may surface in people who experience other food fears. How Food Phobias Can Have a Common Cause Phagophobia is one of the few phobias that can actually bring about the feared condition (phobophobia is another). Anxiety and tension can cause the throat muscles to constrict, feeling to some like a lump in the throat. Those who fear swallowing may find themselves physically unable to do so once they become too anxious. This, in turn, can worsen the fear, creating a perpetuating cycle that is difficult to break. Phagophobia can also occur in the absence of any identifiable triggers. Coping Strategies Since the throat muscles often constrict during bouts of anxiety, coping strategies generally focus on remaining calm. Some people find that watching TV or listening to music while eating provides a welcome distraction that makes chewing and swallowing a less intense experience. Some find that taking a sip of liquid with each bite eases the swallowing process, while others avoid foods that they find scratchy or hard. Finding your comfort zone is often a matter of trial and error. Clinical Treatment Options If your fear is more serious, professional assistance may be required. Phagophobia sometimes worsens over time, leading to gradually more restricted eating habits. This, in turn, can affect your overall health, as it is can be difficult to maintain a healthy diet when you are afraid to swallow. Find a therapist who will work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your phagophobia and any related disorders. Developing a relationship with a health provider who comes to know you well can be very helpful, as your phagophobia treatment plan will need to be designed to meet your specific needs. Different Types of Treatment Plans A 2013 review found only 12 studies related to therapeutic intervention or diagnostic examination of phagophobia and found severe methodological shortcomings in each, making it challenging to make general claims regarding the efficacy of one treatment modality as compared to another. As a starting point, there are case reports documenting the positive influence of particular therapies on individual clinical patients. One 25-year-old woman, whose initial episode lasted one year, began to manifest phagophobia symptoms whenever she was under stress or had difficulty solving a problem. A treatment plan was devised for her in which she was gradually exposed to various triggering situations. Cognitive therapy was also employed along training to teach coping skills. After 20 sessions of therapy, she has been without symptoms for more than a year without relapse.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Effects Of Lithium On Memory And Cognition - 1489 Words
The Neurosensory Effects of Lithium On Memory and Cognition Chelse S. Pike University of West GA Abstract More than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer s or some form of dementia. The Alzheimer s Association says that dementia can also be referred to as memory loss. If you could take a magic pill and have a stable memory...would you do it? This paper explores the potential effects Lithium Carbonate has on memory, motor skills and cognition. For the purpose of this essay Lithium Carbonate will be referred to as Lithium, from this point further. The purpose of this paper is to determine if Lithium affects the brain’s memory, or has no effect at all, more specifically in Alzheimer s†¦show more content†¦Squire et al. measured the participant’s manic and depressive state with a series of test, along with a subjective state questionnaire. The results indicated that lithium had a significant and detrimental effect on memory and motor speed. Whereas, Shaw, Stokes, Mann and Manevitz (1987) conducted a 16 person double blind crossover design st udy on lithium carbonate effects on the memory and motor speed of bipolar patients. The participants were between the ages of 22 to 55. Each patient was either given a dose of lithium or a placebo. After 2 weeks participants were administered a battery of memory and cognitive test. Shaw et al. (1987) reported lithium induced slowing performance on certain motor tests; however it did not cause memory impairment or a change in self-assessment of memory. This paper examines Squire et al. and Shaw et al. research against the fictional experiment designed by Pike (2015). This study was chosen to better understand the effects Lithium can have on the brain and more specifically, memory. Lithium can be used in many different ways to manage bipolar disorder, major depression, and PTSD. While there are studies that have tested the effects of Lithium on the brain in participants with bipolar disorder, this paper branches to specifically diagnosed Alzheimer s participants. If this study is successful and proven to increase memory, this opens a door for the need of moreShow MoreRelatedMedications Essay1741 Words  | 7 Pagesanti-convulsant and amnestic properties. When administered intravenously or in high doses, benzodiazepines may produce anterograde amnesia. Their effects are potentiated by narcotics and alcohol. Sudden discontinuation of benzodiazepines may produce a wide variety of withdrawal effects, including anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks and impairment of memory and concentration. The clinician should be alert to the possibility that the patient is taking more than one type of benzodiazepine, is taking moreRead MoreWhat is Autism?1999 Words  | 8 PagesAutism is a varied family of disorders, and its prevalence is on the rise. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Irish Music - 1593 Words
Celtic Irish Music Name Institutional Affiliation Celtic music is a broad group of music genres that have emerged from the native folk music traditions of people of Western Europe, such as the Irish. Throughout history, Ireland has been associated with music. Irish music history dates back over 2000 years when the Celts arrived in Ireland. Irish clerics are known for writing some of the earliest folk songs. One of the twelve disciples of Ireland, St Columcille (521-5797 AD), described that the clerics of Ireland had the ability to â€Å"sing like birds†. Irish music has remained vibrant in this 21st century having gained global recognition. This is unlike most European countries that have lost their native folk songs.†¦show more content†¦Before the 17th century, harpists were professional musicians and the use harps was at its height. At the time, Ireland was ruled by Chieftains, who also employed the use of harps in Irish songs. Irish tradition was steady and secure. However, at the beginning of the seventeenth cen tury, Ireland was invaded forced the Chieftains to flee the country. The Irish music tradition suffered a massive blow as harp playing was not considered as a profession anymore. The professional harpists became known as â€Å"travelling†harpists. Decades after the Chieftains fled Ireland after the first invasion, Ireland was colonized by the British. The British government introduced laws aimed at crushing the Irish culture and introducing the British culture. There was a penal law that forbade any cultural activities. These laws saw the significant suppression of the growth of Irish culture. In the 1840’s, Ireland suffered a great famine. This led to the death of more than one million people, subsequently, most of the Irish tradition died with them. The famine also saw a significant migration of people over the world in a desperate measure to stay alive. This led to a devastating factor in the Irish traditional music. However, a good dead came out of this emigration. When the Irish fled the famine and settled elsewhere, they introduce the Irish music in that new place. The traditional Irish music network grew especially in places like USA and Australia. The musicShow MoreRelatedEnglish Expansion in Ireland807 Words  | 3 Pagesresearch task I had picked Irish English (also known as Hiberno English). As English was first introduced to Ireland by the time of the Norman invasion. By the Tudor period, the Irish culture and language re-claimed its use in the territories it lost. However, the renewal of English expansion following the Tudor conquest of Ireland revived the use of their language, specifically during the plantations and the introduction of the Penal Laws, which banned the use of Irish. 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McMonigle - 3055083 Friday, October 28, 2005 When many think of the times of immigration, they tend to recall the Irish Immigration and with it comes the potato famine of the 1840s however, they forget that immigrants from the Emerald Isle also poured into America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The assimilation and immigration of the Irish has been difficult for eachRead MoreIrish Dance Paper1124 Words  | 5 PagesIrish Dance: A Marvelous Dance Irish step dancing has existed since the 1700’s, over 300 years. Families in Ireland have passed down Irish step dance from generation to generation as a way of preserving their culture. While the meaning of the dance remains the same, the performance and showmanship has changed dramatically. From girls and boys with pale skin and natural hair to girls with fake tanned skin, huge curly wigs, and thousand dollar dresses and boys with fake tanned skin and outlandishRead MoreThe History Of The Jig1321 Words  | 6 Pageslive in Scottish land, all familiar with the famous Jig that is present in everyday culture. Scotland is one of the homes and origins of several dances, like the jig. From the first discovered human evidence found from 10,500 BC to the modernized Irish-based tradition St, Patrick s Day, ancient Ireland has gradually developed into a stable, affluent country with almost seven million visitors each year. Christianity was brought to Ireland in the 5th century, which later developed into a Celtic basedRead MoreThe Importance Of A Irish Step Dancing1794 Words  | 8 PagesAnother major change in Irish step dancing since its creation, and even in the last century, is the actual movement of the dancers. 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In March, when communities all across the country celebrateRead MoreEssay EFFECTS OF THE GAELIC LEAGUE1116 Words  | 5 PagesEFFECTS OF THE GAELIC LEAGUE There has been discussion and problems in Ireland over the Irish language, culture, and Ireland’s economic development. Language and culture are among the most important elements of Irish heritage. One contribution that helped solve some of those problems was The Gaelic League. The Gaelic League had many effects in Ireland including reviving the Irish language, improving schools, making the social life of Ireland better and having less discrimination among other countries
Childhood and Pg Free Essays
How did Eddie die and why did he put himself in such danger? (pg. 15) he got smashed by a fiberglass cart from the drop nd to save a little girl Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#1) What decade in the 1900s was Eddie born? (pg. 19) in the 1920s Chapter 2: The Journey Did Eddie die trying to save the little girl? (pg. We will write a custom essay sample on Childhood and Pg or any similar topic only for you Order Now 21) Did Eddie save the little girl? (pg. 1) yes, we dont know Why do you think Eddie doesn’t feel worry or pain? Explain your answer. (pg. 22)its a earthly feeling Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#2)How old is Eddie? And what is his party like? (pgs. 23-25)eddie is 5 it was fun with cake and he whore a cowboy costume Chapter 3: The Arrival Where does Eddie wake up? How is it different from what he remembered at the end of his life? (pgs. 26-27) ruby pier, old rides are still there How is Eddied different? What can he do that he hadn’t done (or been able to do) for years? (pgs. 27-28) he can run At the end of the chapter, who is waiting for Eddie? (pg. 31). the blue man Chapter 4: The First Person Eddie Meets in Heaven Why does Eddie feel like a child? pg. 32) Hes back at his childhood place Where does the Blue Man tell Eddie he is? (pg. 34) In Heavan Why isn’t Eddie happy with the answer? (pg. 34) He didnt want to believe it, he doesnt think that place is heavan According to the Blue Man, what is the purpose of heaven and how does it tie into the title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven? (pg. 35) (important to the novel’s theme) To explain your life on earth What killed the Blue Man? (pg. 36) Eddie did. Based upon what you know about Eddie thus far, how do you think the Blue Man’s evelation about who killed him affected Eddie? Explain your answer. yes he felt guilty Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#3)Based upon what happened in this section, who is braver: Eddie or Joe? Explain why. He gets the ball nd Joe runs off like a little Describe the Blue Man’s childhood. Why doesn’t his father care for him? (pgs. 39-40) he was shy and fidgety, He was ashamed of him for embarassing him Why is the Ruby Pier in the 1920s the Blue Man’s heaven? (pg. 42) he felt accepted Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#4) Where does Eddie unwillingly go on his 8th birthday? he had to Childhood and Pg By hhectr64 How to cite Childhood and Pg, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Writing an Operating Instruction an Example by
Writing an Operating Instruction The paper addresses the issue of branding policy within the Air Force (AF) Operating Instruction. The purpose of the paper is to create an interim change to address the issue and to create a relevant policy for the protection of the AF logo. Need essay sample on "Writing an Operating Instruction" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The importance of the issue is justified by the fact, that logo and brand are the integral components of the AF intellectual property. Not only intellectual property should be protected; a branding policy should be designed so that the use, protection and changes of the logo and brand are aligned with the provisions within the intellectual property legal framework. Ultimately, as long as the AF logo is associated with the AF positive image, branding policy is crucial to support this image and make it work for the benefit of the whole AF. The fact that AF Operating Instruction does not contain any relevant information about branding policies is a serious problem. The current situation, when the logo and the brand are directly associated with the quality and the level of services, requires immediate response to the discussed issue. As a result, interim change is the best means to highlight the changes which should be made to AF Operating Instruction, regarding its branding policy. College Students Often Tell EssayLab professionals: How much do I have to pay someone to make my assignment today? Specialists suggest: Things Go Better Help Write Essay Services Get Paid To Write Essays For Students Best Essay Writing Service Best Essay Writing Service Reviews Interim Change One to AF Operating Instruction The purpose of the interim change is to promote an AF approved change to the branding policy to be executed by AF. This change, which was agreed with the AF management, expands the AF Operating Instruction to the limits of proper brand use and brand/ logo protection. The AF Operating Instruction is to be supplemented with the provisions, relating to the proper description, specification, and use of the AF logo. This description and specification is to be reflected in the AF brand style book to be specifically designed for AF. The AF brand style book is to become an official AF document, and is to include the following aspects: The detailed description of the AF logo graphic components (size, colors, etc); The detailed description of how the AF logo should be properly imaged (displayed); The examples of the AF logo placement; The examples of the AF logo misuse. The AF logo style book is to be supplied to the basic AF departments, responsible for the promotion campaigns and daily use of the AF logo. The AF Operating Instruction is to be supplemented with the provisions, regarding employees' responsibility for the proper use of the AF brand and logo. The exact criteria of AF logo proper use (and misuse) are to be included into the AF Operating Instruction. The AF Operating Instruction is to be supplemented the limits of the employees' responsibility for protection and proper use (misuse) of the AF logo and brand. The level of the employees' responsibility should be determined by basic employees' obligations, their rights to use the AF logo/ brand for business purposes, the causes and the consequences of the specific case of the AF logo/ brand use (misuse). The AF Operating Instruction is to determine the exact permissible limits of the logo and brand use by employees and AF representatives. The use of AF logo and brand by employees is to be limited by business purposes only. The employees are to be aware of the AF provisions regarding the use of the AF logo and brand. The interim change is to be supplied to all AF departments. The employees are to sign the agreement and rules of using AF confidential information and AF intellectual property. The restrictions for the use of the AF logo by outside users are to be determined in the AF Operating Instruction. The possibility to download the AF logos from its websites and other Internet resources should be eliminated. The use of the brand/ logo downloaded from the AF website should be determined as being against the basic Operating Instruction requirements. The Operating Instruction is to be supplemented with the requirements towards public display of the AF branding policy at the AF website. The suggested changes are to be included into AF Operating Instruction by the end of 2007. This interim change message is to be retained in compliance with the basic AF Operating Instruction provisions, until the changes into the AF Operating Instruction are incorporated through revision or change transmittal. The interim change has been aimed at including the changes regarding the AF branding policy into the AF Operating Instruction. As long as the problem has to be addressed immediately, the interim change message relates to the time period, within which the suggested changes should take place. In any case, the interim change remains valid until such changes are incorporated. Works cited Harley Davidson, Inc. 'Everyday Values. The Harley-Davidson Code of Business Conduct'.2003. Harley Davidson, Inc. 09 October 2007.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Treasure Island Essays - English-language Films, Lost Films
Treasure Island Essays - English-language Films, Lost Films Treasure Island Treasure Island The title of this book is Treasure Island. It is written by Robert Lewis Stevenson and takes place mainly on Treasure Island. There were many characters in this story but the most substantial were; Jim Hawkins the cabin boy/narrator; Long John Silver the captain; David Livesey the ships doctor; Pew the blind-beggar; and John Trelawney the owner of the ship. After the Captain had died from an overdose of Rum, Dr. Livesey looked through the Captains coat and there he found a book. Later Dr. Livesey, Jim, and the squire looked through the book the doctor had found, the doctor opened the seals with great care, and there fell out the map of an island. It had the latitude and longitude, soundings, names of hills, bays, and inlets, and every detail that would be needed to bring a ship to a safe anchorage upon the island. In three weeks time Hawkins shall come as cabin boy. You, Livesey, are ship's doctor; I am admiral. The ship was already bought and fitted. It lied at anchor, ready for sea. The two hundred-ton ship was named Hispaniola. They were ready to go treasure hunting. Well since they didnt have a Captain they had to find someone they knew was an experienced sailor-man, and above all, they could trust. So they told Jim where he could find a man of that caliber by the name of Long John Silver. When Jim reached his destination he looked around and found some one that he thought met the description of a sailor. He went up to the man and said, Long John? The man replied. It happened to be the person Jim was looking for. So Jim told him the plan about the treasure hunt. Long John wasnt too thrilled about the idea of treasure hunting (since he had had bad experiences treasure hunting), but he agreed to it any ways. The voyage was long but the crew proved them selfs worthy. As they steadily approached the island Jim was feeling sick, he said to himself perhaps it was the look of the island with its gray, melancholy woods, and wild stone spires, and the surf that I could see and hear foaming and thundering on the steep beach. Although the sun shone bright and hot, and the shore birds were fishing and crying all around them, you would have thought anyone would have been glad to get to land after being so long at sea, Jims heart sank, as the saying is, into my boots; and from the first look onward, he hated the very thought of Treasure Island. Out, lads, out, and fight 'em in the open! Cutlasses! cried the captain. Round the house, lads! Round the house! cried the captain. And yet, in this breath of time, the fight was over and the victory was ours. These words were spoken during the brutal fight between the pirates and the crew of the Hispaniola while on the island. The climax was when the crew aboard the Hispaniola finally found the treasure in a secluded location as the map had stated. In the treasure there were many different things such as. English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Georges, and Louises, doubloons and double guineas and moidores and sequins, the pictures of all the kings of Europe for the last hundred years. Strange Oriental pieces stamped with what looked like wisps of string or bits of spider's web. Round pieces and square pieces, and pieces bored through the middle, as if to wear them round your neck nearly every variety of money in the world must, I think, have found a place in that collection. Well, to make a long story short, they got a few hands on board, made a good cruise home, and the Hispaniola reached Bristol. Five men only of those who had sailed returned with her. Drink and the devil had done for the rest. All the men had a sufficient share of treasure. Nothing would bring Jim back to that accursed island; and the worst dreams that hell ever have are when he hears the surf booming about its coasts or start upright in his bed with the sharp voice of Captain Flint
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Assimilation - Voiced and Unvoiced French Sounds
Assimilation - Voiced and Unvoiced French Sounds Assimilation is a pronunciation phenomenon which causes consonant sounds to change according to the sounds that surround them. More specifically, assimilation occurs when voiced and unvoiced sounds are combined. Because it can be difficult to pronounce voiced and unvoiced sounds together, one or the other is assimilated: either a normally voiced consonant becomes unvoiced or a normally unvoiced consonant becomes voiced.Voicing - La Sonorità ©Voiced sounds (les sons sonores) occur when the vocal cords vibrate, while unvoiced consonants (les consonnes sourdes) are pronounced without vibrating the vocal cords. To understand the difference, place your hand on your Adams apple and say D and T. You should feel your vocal cords vibrate with the first sound but not the second.The voiced French consonants and sounds are B, D, G, J, L, M, N, R, V, Z, and all vowels.The unvoiced French consonant sounds are CH, F, K, P, S, and T.All unvoiced consonants have a voiced equivalent; i.e., the pairs are pronounced in the same place in the mouth/throat but the first is unvoiced while the second is voiced: CH - JF - VK - GP - BS - ZT - D Assimilation absent [ap sa(n)]obturation [uhp tu ra syo(n)] mà ©decin exact seconde is pronounced [seu go(n)d] rather than [seu ko(n)d].
Friday, February 14, 2020
Selling of body organs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Selling of body organs - Essay Example  1. There are thousands of people dying around the world for not getting a suitable donor. There are many ailments and accidents which require body organs like kidney, liver part, eye ball or intestine. So if a person is willing to sell their body organ for the benefit of other, then many people can be saved from death 1. Many people hesitate to sell their body organ for the fear of it being unsafe. The body organs are removed by means of surgery and people may lose their life or can impair their health during the medical procedure. People do not have to be afraid of donating their body organs as the removal of organ and its tissue makes it a safe medical process 2. Today most of the organ removal surgery is a safe procedure. Technology has advanced well enough to make this medical process safe. The people have a notion that if they lose one of kidney or part of liver or intestine can make them ill. However one kidney is enough for a human to survive and liver does grow so there is no issue with it being removed. 1. The selling of body parts is an illegal business around the world. There is large opportunity for body organs however the illegal trafficking of the body organs and the crimes involved in it makes it an illegal affair. However, the absence of a legitimate marker is the reason why the sale of body organ is facing problem. 2. Government need to understand the potential of sale of body organ and make it a legitimate process which would also decrease the criminality involved with it. There is nothing illegal about sale of body organ if it is not damaging the health of the donor and would give them a financial boost and save lives of people. 1. Sale of body organ is a beneficial medical process and can save lives of many people around the world. The body organs like kidney, liver portion, eyeball or intestine part can be a saleable organ which can save people in need of them. However, the people are scared of surgery and risk
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18
Discussion Questions - Assignment Example This is because the authoritative force is on the outside of the individual and the only sensible basis of reasoning depends on physical consequences of every action. Punishment has a direct link to physical vengeance. Therefore, each punishment in regards to an action sets standards in understanding the wrong and good. Therefore, the question is, what must an individual do in order to avoid punishment? People, in these case kids, understand that every person has a unique way of viewing things and making judgments. They learn to only do the necessary and can only act further if the activities offer satisfaction. The question in the post can be, what can a person do to realize satisfaction and not pain? It is evident in adolescent adults who show ability to internalize the set moral standards. However, even though understanding authority, there is little questioning because they accept it as a norm (Kohlberg & Hersh, 1977). Due to the established stereotypes, people accept and build their interpersonal skills on this basis. This gives rise to good behavior because it appears to be appealing to the rest of the group. As an individual, what is expected of you to be identified as a good person? Individuals learn to respect rules and order as demanded by the authority. This is because they know anyone found guilty of violating rules is liable to punishment since it the standardized form of administering justice. This requires consistency in showing loyalty to rules. The question is; what if all human beings acted in such a manner? At this stage, individuals demonstrate the ability to define moral principles in their own way even if they have no allowance in the guiding rules. However, the moral principles favor and are applicable to everyone. What is justice for all? As an individual, am in this stage because I can, on my own come up with moral principles which respect
Friday, January 24, 2020
Analysis of Blade Runner by Ridley Scott Essay -- Papers
Analysis of Blade Runner by Ridley Scott Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott and based on Philip K. Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, is a Sci-fi slash Noir film about a policeman named Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) in a decrepit 2019 Los Angeles whose job it is to "retire" four genetically engineered cyborgs, known as "Replicants". The four fugitives, Pris (Daryl Hannah), Zhora (Joanna Cassidy), Leon (Brian James), and their leader, Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), have escaped from an off-world colony in order to find their creator and bully him into expanding their pre-determined four-year life span. This film originally flopped when it came out in 1982, but since has become a widely acclaimed cult classic with a director's cut to boot. A large part of the success that this movie has received can be attributed to its ability to operate on many different levels. Blade Runner focuses around the adventures of Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter, whose prey are the replicants, androids who are virtually indistinguishable from humans. The story is set in downtown Los Angeles, in the year 2019. This is a post nuclear holocaust world, where the sun is darkened by the fallout and acid rain continually falls. Six replicants of the Nexus 6 generation, the most advanced, have escaped from their off-world colony, where they were being used as slave labor. The leader of the replicants, Roy Batty, is on a mission to find more life for himself and the others, for they only have a four year life span and are on the verge of death. Roy is a military style replicant, so he has killed many people in inter-galactic wars and continues to ki... ...s out. "Should the replicants kill to gain moral life? Should Harrison Ford be killing them simply because they want to exist? These questions begin to tangle up Deckard's thinkingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦especially when he becomes involved with a female replicant himself." The ultimate relevance of Blade Runner lies in its challenge of what it must mean to be human. It raises the eternal gnawing doubt as to our own humanity or lack of it. These are the same issues raised by the great religions and philosophies of the past. And it goes to how we respond to the pain of those around us. Do we reach for the one downed by the crushing perplexity of modernity or do we merely pass by, forgetting about that grizzled human lying on the sidewalk who is drowning in the gutter created by the disintegrating and dehumanising post-modern existence?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Charles Dickens “Great Expectations†Essay
An exploration of the ways in which issues of class and status are presented in Charles Dickens’ â€Å"Great Expectations†and L. P. Hartley’s â€Å"The Go-Between†. Both Charles Dickens’ â€Å"Great Expectations†and L. P. Hartley’s â€Å"The Go-Between†discuss the class assumptions of early Victorian England; around 1807-1823 is when most of the action can be dated too in â€Å"Great Expectations†and at the start of the 20th century, the year 1900 in â€Å"The Go-Between†. Both novels portray a class structure in decline or under threat, as the rise of trade unions and rights for women were to transform the quiet hierarchy that had existed for countless generations. In this essay I will draw out the similarities and differences in how the two authors present the issues of class and status to the reader. Hartley often seems to place great value in the tradition and history of an ancient, aristocratic, ruling class; Dickens regards beyond all else the value of hard work. Dickens argues that social status denotes nothing but money, whereas Hartley seems to glory in the upper-classes natural superiority, such as at sport and at music: none can match Marion in skill. Hartley warns against the social mobility that makes Marion too good for Ted despite their love for each other and subverts the natural hierarchical order and security that has existed for centuries, yet Dickens denounces a society that lavishes upon the few at the exclusion of the multitude. Dickens characters suffer under or bask in justice offered by the plot, as ‘good’ characters are rewarded and ‘bad’ characters condemned. Hartley shows little similar sympathy’s as discussed below. Dickens consciously relays no support for the idea that the upper classes are naturally morally superior; dispelling all pretentiousness to this tenuous link in the contrast between Drummle and Joe, whereas in Hartley’s â€Å"The Go-Between†, Triningham is by far and away the kindest character, whom the reader instinctively warms to, and enchants all with his natural grace and elegance, seemingly affirming the assumption of the ancient idea of the moral superiority of the wealthy, going back to the Bible story of Job in the Old Testament, where God blessed a good man with wealth. Ironically, Triningham is already displaying the injuries already done to the aristocracy, he has been forced to rent out the home his ancestors have held for generations as he himself can no longer afford to live there; he himself has lost his wealth in his property, even though temporarily. Nevertheless, the middle classes Maudlseys do not appear to have gained by their social rise at the end. Some critics have argued that Hartley is arguing that a socially divided society is a dangerous one; that Leo’s evaporated enthusiasm for a new century so full of unfulfilled promise is systematic of unfounded hopes of a new Golden Age if society remains segregated between the haves and have-nots. That the Boer War, which scarred the aristocratic Triningham, protracted and disastrous for Britain with a devastating display of Britain’s faltering significance and importance in world affairs, is a sign of a difficult century ahead. Triningham, a representative of a dying aristocracy with unseen wounds that a display of natural elegance and grace can hide but not heal. In spite of this, I find myself wholly disagreeing with this view of Hartley’s novel â€Å"The Go-Between†. Hartley certainly does warn of the demise of the aristocracy, yet he does not rejoice in it. On the contrary, he mourns, grieves and laments the apparent loss of nobility throughout the work. Triningham is by far and away the most gracious, righteous and gallant character presented, there is only sympathy in a reader for his early death. I certainly fall on the side of Hartley strongly defending the hierarchical social order, and the aristocracy’s right to lead it. Yet it is important to do discuss other possibilities. Triningham then represents the best features of the aristocracy. Unlike Marian, from the start and until the end, there was no ulterior motive to Triningham’s kindness: he was â€Å"as true as steel†even in the eyes of the unfaithful Marian. He is patriotic to the end too and was wounded in the defence of his countries Empire. Despite all this, in the book Hartley presents Marian displaying no reverence for Ted’s feelings, instead she is cruelly unfaithful to him whilst engaged. Every other character in the book has faults of character or of action, but Triningham is beyond such. His demise might be Hartley warning the middle-classes of the dangers involved with usurping the natural order. Even so, the story is told from Leo’s point of view, and Leo admires Triningham to such a great extent that his faults may be simply hidden from the readers view, or indeed perhaps the story is told from Leo’s point of view in order to allow Hartley to express his admiration. Even so, Leo the adolescent is also a bad judge of character and situation and so simply may be putting forward the wrong view. Be that as it may, the point still stands.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Ethical Issue On Medical Treatment Essay - 1200 Words
Individuals seek medical treatment everyday to stay healthy, treat an illness, or to stay alive. We all seek treatment whether it is voluntary or in an emergency basis. Some individuals suffer from severe illnesses, in which they might get to a certain point and decide to refuse medical treatment because they do not want to go through the pain anymore. Doctors face at least one ethical issue on a day-to-day basis due to patients refusing medical treatment, and possibly wanting to end their lives. Every year this has become a controversial debate whether or not it is ethical for patients to refuse treatment. In the story regarding 17-year old Maggie, she is diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, and denies treatment due to the risk of possibly losing her eyesight. She decides she does not want to go through with treatment as well as wanting to end her life. This has caused a difficult debate in her doctor and loved ones life because they do not agree with her decision. Therefore, the question is what is ethical in this situation? Utilitarianism is rooted in the thesis that an action or practice is right (when compared to any alternative action or practice) if it leads to the greatest possible balance of good consequences or to the least possible balance of bad consequences in the world as a whole. (13) This theory discusses how as humans we should pursue our lives. John Mill, a philosopher, supported the Utilitarianism perspective, known as, The Greatest HappinessShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Dilemma Of Nurses Face Ethical Dilemmas843 Words  | 4 PagesIn clinical setting, nurses face ethical dilemmas everyday. There is no perfect answer to ethical dilemmas in clinical area. It is important to identify ethics related situation, work as a team to address these problems and provide support for patient and families. Dealing with dilemmas is not just a nursing issue. But the role and function of nurses could affect whole team member and their patients too. 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