Thursday, May 21, 2020
Effects Of Lithium On Memory And Cognition - 1489 Words
The Neurosensory Effects of Lithium On Memory and Cognition Chelse S. Pike University of West GA Abstract More than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer s or some form of dementia. The Alzheimer s Association says that dementia can also be referred to as memory loss. If you could take a magic pill and have a stable memory...would you do it? This paper explores the potential effects Lithium Carbonate has on memory, motor skills and cognition. For the purpose of this essay Lithium Carbonate will be referred to as Lithium, from this point further. The purpose of this paper is to determine if Lithium affects the brain’s memory, or has no effect at all, more specifically in Alzheimer s†¦show more content†¦Squire et al. measured the participant’s manic and depressive state with a series of test, along with a subjective state questionnaire. The results indicated that lithium had a significant and detrimental effect on memory and motor speed. Whereas, Shaw, Stokes, Mann and Manevitz (1987) conducted a 16 person double blind crossover design st udy on lithium carbonate effects on the memory and motor speed of bipolar patients. The participants were between the ages of 22 to 55. Each patient was either given a dose of lithium or a placebo. After 2 weeks participants were administered a battery of memory and cognitive test. Shaw et al. (1987) reported lithium induced slowing performance on certain motor tests; however it did not cause memory impairment or a change in self-assessment of memory. This paper examines Squire et al. and Shaw et al. research against the fictional experiment designed by Pike (2015). This study was chosen to better understand the effects Lithium can have on the brain and more specifically, memory. Lithium can be used in many different ways to manage bipolar disorder, major depression, and PTSD. While there are studies that have tested the effects of Lithium on the brain in participants with bipolar disorder, this paper branches to specifically diagnosed Alzheimer s participants. If this study is successful and proven to increase memory, this opens a door for the need of moreShow MoreRelatedMedications Essay1741 Words  | 7 Pagesanti-convulsant and amnestic properties. When administered intravenously or in high doses, benzodiazepines may produce anterograde amnesia. Their effects are potentiated by narcotics and alcohol. Sudden discontinuation of benzodiazepines may produce a wide variety of withdrawal effects, including anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks and impairment of memory and concentration. The clinician should be alert to the possibility that the patient is taking more than one type of benzodiazepine, is taking moreRead MoreWhat is Autism?1999 Words  | 8 PagesAutism is a varied family of disorders, and its prevalence is on the rise. 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There is nothing wrong with being ambitious, but her reasons included switching souls with a senior state senator which gave her access to his thoughts and memories. Her ambition does not stop at being a politician, she also wants to single-handedly save the world from nuclear destruction. This is a prefect example of visions of grandeur success that people often see in their episodes of mania. The reason canRead MoreStephen Fry s The Secret Life Of The Manic Depressive1409 Words  | 6 Pagesunique experiences and stories. Then Fry takes a deeper look into medications and treatments that are commonly used to treat bipolar disorder including electroconvulsive therapy, ETC, cognitive-behavioral therapy, CBT, and a common bipolar drug called Lithium. While doing so, Fry talks to those who have already been through or administer these various treatments, considering if he should start due to the increasing severity of his own depressive and manic states. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Irish Music - 1593 Words
Celtic Irish Music Name Institutional Affiliation Celtic music is a broad group of music genres that have emerged from the native folk music traditions of people of Western Europe, such as the Irish. Throughout history, Ireland has been associated with music. Irish music history dates back over 2000 years when the Celts arrived in Ireland. Irish clerics are known for writing some of the earliest folk songs. One of the twelve disciples of Ireland, St Columcille (521-5797 AD), described that the clerics of Ireland had the ability to â€Å"sing like birds†. Irish music has remained vibrant in this 21st century having gained global recognition. This is unlike most European countries that have lost their native folk songs.†¦show more content†¦Before the 17th century, harpists were professional musicians and the use harps was at its height. At the time, Ireland was ruled by Chieftains, who also employed the use of harps in Irish songs. Irish tradition was steady and secure. However, at the beginning of the seventeenth cen tury, Ireland was invaded forced the Chieftains to flee the country. The Irish music tradition suffered a massive blow as harp playing was not considered as a profession anymore. The professional harpists became known as â€Å"travelling†harpists. Decades after the Chieftains fled Ireland after the first invasion, Ireland was colonized by the British. The British government introduced laws aimed at crushing the Irish culture and introducing the British culture. There was a penal law that forbade any cultural activities. These laws saw the significant suppression of the growth of Irish culture. In the 1840’s, Ireland suffered a great famine. This led to the death of more than one million people, subsequently, most of the Irish tradition died with them. The famine also saw a significant migration of people over the world in a desperate measure to stay alive. This led to a devastating factor in the Irish traditional music. However, a good dead came out of this emigration. When the Irish fled the famine and settled elsewhere, they introduce the Irish music in that new place. The traditional Irish music network grew especially in places like USA and Australia. The musicShow MoreRelatedEnglish Expansion in Ireland807 Words  | 3 Pagesresearch task I had picked Irish English (also known as Hiberno English). As English was first introduced to Ireland by the time of the Norman invasion. By the Tudor period, the Irish culture and language re-claimed its use in the territories it lost. However, the renewal of English expansion following the Tudor conquest of Ireland revived the use of their language, specifically during the plantations and the introduction of the Penal Laws, which banned the use of Irish. By the 19th century, EnglishRead MoreEssay on Ireland and Irishness.1281 Words  | 6 Pages ‘Irishness’ is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as ‘the fact or quality of being Irish.’ This can be further defined by many elements of the way in which we live our lives. You could say what makes us Irish is our native language and the fact that we still learn it in school today, our sense of humour which is exclusive to Ireland, our traditional sports or holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day. But throughout history, many, many things have contributed to our ‘Irishness’ and to shaping theRead MoreDr. D Arcy s The Fate Of Irish Culture1390 Words  | 6 Pagesresonate with the entire nation of Ireland instead of being left at the sadness of one man. These thoughts are motivated by Mr. Dâ€℠¢Arcy’s singing that evening, and to some level, Gabriel is contemplating his own mortality. He is also analyzing the fate of Irish culture by identifying that it must adapt in order to retain its relevance in a modernizing world despite the efforts of his aunts. Joyce describes everything in great detail giving his characters, no matter how small of a role they play, life andRead MoreThe Beauty of Ireland784 Words  | 3 Pagescentury style towns such as Tullamore, Athlone and Killarney with lots more. No matter where you are in the country, you can experience the traditional food and have fun in the irish pubs. When looking for fun things to do with your family? Ireland can offer a wide range of activities for you to do such as visit the music festivals, go to the air shows, visit Irelands natural museum of history or explore the towns and landscape and what they have to offer. Ireland has monuments with Celtic designsRead MoreIrish Immigration in America Essay1737 Words  | 7 Pagesto America Story of the Irish in Antebellum America HS101 - US History to 1877 William J. McMonigle - 3055083 Friday, October 28, 2005 When many think of the times of immigration, they tend to recall the Irish Immigration and with it comes the potato famine of the 1840s however, they forget that immigrants from the Emerald Isle also poured into America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The assimilation and immigration of the Irish has been difficult for eachRead MoreIrish Dance Paper1124 Words  | 5 PagesIrish Dance: A Marvelous Dance Irish step dancing has existed since the 1700’s, over 300 years. Families in Ireland have passed down Irish step dance from generation to generation as a way of preserving their culture. While the meaning of the dance remains the same, the performance and showmanship has changed dramatically. From girls and boys with pale skin and natural hair to girls with fake tanned skin, huge curly wigs, and thousand dollar dresses and boys with fake tanned skin and outlandishRead MoreThe History Of The Jig1321 Words  | 6 Pageslive in Scottish land, all familiar with the famous Jig that is present in everyday culture. Scotland is one of the homes and origins of several dances, like the jig. From the first discovered human evidence found from 10,500 BC to the modernized Irish-based tradition St, Patrick s Day, ancient Ireland has gradually developed into a stable, affluent country with almost seven million visitors each year. Christianity was brought to Ireland in the 5th century, which later developed into a Celtic basedRead MoreThe Importance Of A Irish Step Dancing1794 Words  | 8 PagesAnother major change in Irish step dancing since its creation, and even in the last century, is the actual movement of the dancers. Watching Irish step dancing now, it is very clear that the movement is about the feet. In competition, dancers move their feet and legs quickly and swiftly in order to impress judges and the audience. Another distinct feature about Irish dance as opposed to other dance styles is the rigidity of the top half of the body. Dancers keep their torsos straight and keep theirRead MoreIrish Americans Essay1478 Words  | 6 PagesIrish- American Immigran ts Americas bounty -- the abundance of the fields, the beauty of the landscape, the richness of our opportunities -- has always attracted people who are in search of a better life for themselves and their children. Our democracy owes its success in great part to the countless immigrants who have made their way to our shores and to the tremendous diversity this Nation has been blessed with since its beginnings. In March, when communities all across the country celebrateRead MoreEssay EFFECTS OF THE GAELIC LEAGUE1116 Words  | 5 PagesEFFECTS OF THE GAELIC LEAGUE There has been discussion and problems in Ireland over the Irish language, culture, and Ireland’s economic development. Language and culture are among the most important elements of Irish heritage. One contribution that helped solve some of those problems was The Gaelic League. The Gaelic League had many effects in Ireland including reviving the Irish language, improving schools, making the social life of Ireland better and having less discrimination among other countries
Childhood and Pg Free Essays
How did Eddie die and why did he put himself in such danger? (pg. 15) he got smashed by a fiberglass cart from the drop nd to save a little girl Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#1) What decade in the 1900s was Eddie born? (pg. 19) in the 1920s Chapter 2: The Journey Did Eddie die trying to save the little girl? (pg. We will write a custom essay sample on Childhood and Pg or any similar topic only for you Order Now 21) Did Eddie save the little girl? (pg. 1) yes, we dont know Why do you think Eddie doesn’t feel worry or pain? Explain your answer. (pg. 22)its a earthly feeling Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#2)How old is Eddie? And what is his party like? (pgs. 23-25)eddie is 5 it was fun with cake and he whore a cowboy costume Chapter 3: The Arrival Where does Eddie wake up? How is it different from what he remembered at the end of his life? (pgs. 26-27) ruby pier, old rides are still there How is Eddied different? What can he do that he hadn’t done (or been able to do) for years? (pgs. 27-28) he can run At the end of the chapter, who is waiting for Eddie? (pg. 31). the blue man Chapter 4: The First Person Eddie Meets in Heaven Why does Eddie feel like a child? pg. 32) Hes back at his childhood place Where does the Blue Man tell Eddie he is? (pg. 34) In Heavan Why isn’t Eddie happy with the answer? (pg. 34) He didnt want to believe it, he doesnt think that place is heavan According to the Blue Man, what is the purpose of heaven and how does it tie into the title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven? (pg. 35) (important to the novel’s theme) To explain your life on earth What killed the Blue Man? (pg. 36) Eddie did. Based upon what you know about Eddie thus far, how do you think the Blue Man’s evelation about who killed him affected Eddie? Explain your answer. yes he felt guilty Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#3)Based upon what happened in this section, who is braver: Eddie or Joe? Explain why. He gets the ball nd Joe runs off like a little Describe the Blue Man’s childhood. Why doesn’t his father care for him? (pgs. 39-40) he was shy and fidgety, He was ashamed of him for embarassing him Why is the Ruby Pier in the 1920s the Blue Man’s heaven? (pg. 42) he felt accepted Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#4) Where does Eddie unwillingly go on his 8th birthday? he had to Childhood and Pg By hhectr64 How to cite Childhood and Pg, Papers
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